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Italics is flashback. I don't own Descendnats.
' What happened if we got in an accident died tragically
And next lifetime you remembered and had to come after me
And convinced me that we not meant to be that have to be
And like the defending champs you had to win it all back for me'
Fairy godmother came back with her wand and did her examination with her wand.

"Oh dear."Everyone was worried. Fairy godmother would tell Why Mal was acting like this,

"Fairy godmother what's wrong?"Ben asked.

"I'm afraid dear ones she's under a type of spell that was somehow cast by Maleficent on the isle of the lost five years ago."Fairy godmother explained.

"But how would be in place if it was placed five years ago?"Belle questioned.

"I'm wondering about that myself. If I had to guess, I'm guessing because of the magic Mal has in her and once she started using it, it started to take over."Fairy godmother said.

"How do we fix this?"Ben asked, looking down at his fiancée.

"We wait till she wakes up so we can ask Questions for her to remember."Fairy godmother told him. Ben nodded. Only if he was able to help her now.

It's been almost a week since Maleficent put Mal in the basement and left her threw her in there. Mal tried her hardest to get out of the ropes and chains but couldn't do it. Mal sat in the cold lonely basement thinking what her mother sad. Maybe it was true. Maybe finding love and being good was bad thing like her mother said. It wouldn't teach anything. Her mom proud of her finally be evil. She should be who she wants to be not her mother.

"Well Mal, did you put a thought into your punishment?'Maleficent asked her daughter, ripping the tape off her mouth.

"Yes mother."Mal answered.

"I won't ever be like you. I actually want to find love. I want to be good."Mal answered scared of what her mother was going to do.

"Goblins, untie her."Maleficent said.

"I figured this Mal and I'm warning you to watch your back. I packed up your stuff you can go live anywhere else."Maleficent told her daughter. Mal was shocked.

"Mom, I'm barley going to be teenager. I can't live on my own."Mal exclaimed.

"I don't care. Live with one of your stupid friends Or find your father. But don't ever come near me or here again. Your not my daughter."Maleficent screamed at her daughter and threw her out.
The three Vks were sitting on one side of the room while Ben and his parents sat on the other side. Doug,Jane, and Lonnie had went down to the kitchen to help prepare some food. That's when Mal's eyes started to flutter.

"Mal."Ben said gently.

"What happened?"Mal asked.

"You passed out. Do you know why?"Ben asked.

"I came in here. My head started pounding and I started screaming and I guess I passed out."Mal said sitting up on the bed.

"Hey. Everything will be rest in here. We'll be in the living room."Ben told his fiancée.

"We'll send one of the boys up here to get you for food."Evie butt in. Thye nodded. Mal thanked them and told them to go downstairs.

Mal picked up a book on the nightstand and looked at when a sense of magic hit her. Her mother's eyes were glowing green and Mal had was now officially under the spell. The lizard in the cage had got out and transformed into human form once again.

"It's time for a little evil in Auradon."Maleficent cackled. She grabbed Mal and flew her away from the castle.

Meanwhile, Jay was walking up the stairs to get Mal for food. Jay knocked on the door but there was no response.

"Mal?"Jay called out. No response. He checked the room and was worried now. He ran down and everyone was looking at him.

"Mal's missing."Jay said making everyone jump out of their seats, rushing into the room.

"Maleficent is gone too."Evie pointed out.

"You don't think?"Carlos asking the obvious.

"Let's hope not. I want search parties looking for both of them. Maleficent is to be brought in handcuffs."Ben said. Everyone nodded and starting forming search parties.

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