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Ben and Evie sat in Mal's room as she slept quietly. It's only been a few hours since she woke up but they knew deep down nothing will ever be normal.

"You think Mal would be okay everything after this?"Evie asked.

"I don't know. Jay and Carlos noticed she seemed upset before she went back to sleep."Ben said.

"I just don't want her to do soething drastic that has a negative outcome."Jus as he finsihed that sentence, Mal started to open her eyes.

"Mal."They said in Unison as Mal sat up.

"Are you in pain?"Ben asked but Mal shook her head.

"Ben do you think ever since I came to Auradon, all I done is cause trouble to everyone."Mal questioned.

"Of course not."Ben said.

"Your just saying that. Ben look what I caused. Audrey was meant to be queen. Your queen and the love spell caused you to love me. I stole another girl's I didn't use magic for our picnic, you wouldn't had to chase me to the isle and I wouldn't had to rescue use. I fought Uma. Audrey took her revenge on us and Maleficent freaking cursed me. I hurt you guys."Mal said and sighed.

"Mal,that wasn't you. Maleficent was controlling you."Evie butted in but Mal shook her head no.

"I was the one doing all of those things those. I should be punished. I hurt my friends and the King."Mal explained.

"Mal if your mother had never put that spell on you, none of this would've happened."Ben told her.

"Ben, I want my magic removed from me. All it's done for me is hurt everyone I love."Mal said before Fairy godmother walked in.

"Mal darling. How are you feeling?"She asked.

"I feel fine. Fairy Godmother, is the removal of magic out of someone difficult."Mal asked. Fair godmother was shocked at this question.

"Well it's a simple process but I won't be able to do until your better?"Fairy godmother explained.

"Once I'm better I want my magic removed."Mal told her before fairy godmother nodded an exited the room with Evie following behind.

"Are you sure you want to do this?"Ben asked.

"Ben,look at what I've done. I need it removed. It's not safe for me."Mal said before she added,"It's not safe for you to be around me."She mumbled even though Ben could hear.

"Mal-"Mal started yelling at him before he was able to understand to leave her alone. Mal slouched down in the bed and stared off into space before she fell asleep.

A few days later, Mal was scheduled with fairy godmother to get her magic removed. Of course, she had ignored Ben and her friends for the last few days after her yelling incident.

"Ok Mal, your sure you want to do this?"Fairy godmother asked.

"Yes. Just get it over with."Mal said before she gave Mal a potion to drink before she was put asleep.

"Mali, it's time to go to school."14 year old Mal heard her her dad say even though she was already up.

"I'm getting ready dad. Stop yelling before you burst into flames."She called out. Mal grabbed her blueish-purple jacket and what she called a bag before she left for school.

Evie,Jay, and Carlos had been near the entrance of the school when they seen Mal. Hades's daughter. She always tried to act perfect but who's perfect on the isle of the lost?

"Watch this."Jay mouth to his friends before he walked by Mal, hitting her shoulder before pushing her to the ground.

"Watch where your going. Sorry you can't look perfect every second of the day."Jay shouted as he and his friends went into dragon hall for class while Mal ran back home where Hades saw her crying.

"Baby girl what happened?"Hades asked.

"Jay purposely hit my shoulder and pushed me and said that I can't look perfect every second of the day."Mal told her father.

"Hey, don't listen to what Jay has to say. Jay isn't all there. You'll stay home today but tomorrow we'll find Jay and deal with him."Hades said as he cleaned up the scrape of his daughter's knee.

Mal woke up with a gasp, confused why she just dreamed of her and Jay not being friends. Confused why should be living with her dad.

"Ok Mal. Try a spell or something."Mal tried to turn her hair blonde but didn't work.

"Magic's all gone. There might be a few small side affects but only last for an hour."Fairy Godmother said before Mal nodded and Left the room and stood in the hallway. She had to figure things out. But she knew she had to go back to the isle for the clue.

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