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'What happened if we got in an accident died tragically
And next lifetime you remembered and had to come after me
And convinced me that we not meant to be that have to be
And like the defending champs you had to win it all back for me'

Mal was walking in the forest, looking for her friends to lure to her mom when she heard voices.

"I don't want to hurt Mal. She's our friend."Evie said. How sweet of them saying that. Mal scoffed.

"We have to whatever we have to to save her. Even if fighting her."Ben said.

Alright Mal get ready to lure them, she told herself. Mal made sure her jacket was a little tore up and magically tied her hand and legs together to the tree. At the least, she made her herself look unconscious also when she wan't.

"Guys, it's Mal."Evie said.

"Jay, Carlos untie her legs. We got her arms."Ben said.

"Mal, what did you mother do to you?"She could her Ben whisper before all of a sudden she head butted Ben and Evie and kicked the boys. She used her magic to untie her before she proofed her and her friends to her mother.
————Mal was standing by her mother waiting for her 'friends' to wake up.

"I'm proud of you Mal. You manage to go ahead and bring them all back."Maleficent cackled. Mal smiled evilly.

"Now go wait in your room. I hav a very special mission for you soon."Mal nodded and obeyed her mother.

About another forty five minutes later, the VKs and Ben started to wake up.

"Where are we? Where's Mal?"Jay started asking but soon his questions were answered when Maleficent shows up.

"Well hello traitors. Benjamin."They swallowed the lump of fear they had.

"What do you want? Just let Mal go and undo this spell from her."Ben pleaded but she chuckled.

"I want revenge on everyone. Auradon has turned my child into something she shouldn't be. You lift the barrier, and where am I? A lizard still."Maleficent yelled.

"Mal has good in her. You don't want to believe it."Carlos said.

"Maybe. But she got from Hades. I knew from the moment I met him and then the moment she was born, something would turn out good. But I'm not going to allow that."Maleficent exclaimed. Something in the four teens had made them scared deep inside.

"There's no need of this. You can finally roam around in auradon. Just let Mal go."Ben pleaded to her. Maleficent cackled and soon she had disappeared.

The Aks were out with guards searching for the VKs and Ben. Its been hours and nobody has heard from any of them.

"Kids, word is Maleficent is in the srea. We need to get you guys to safety."One of the guards said but none of them wanted to go back.

"The King and our friends are out there still. We're not going anywhere."Lonnie said. The Aks nodded.

"Alright we'll be watching after you guys but more guards will be sent."The guard told them.

The Aks were looking around when they saw footprints. One of the guards had ran i front of them to make sure nobody was near by. The guard gave the all clear sign when smoked filled the air.

"Radio the royal palace. Tell them we're being-"The guard couldn't even finish his sentence before he was having trouble breathing.

"Guys we have to be ready to attack."Doug said. They nodded. They heard footprints and watched the smoke fill the air.

"There's no escape you idiots."Maleficent chuckled.

The guards were passed out and soon they would be too.

The Aks were holding their breaths as they tried to get away from the smoke and surprisingly they did with a little help of Jane and Lonnie.

"We follow whatever she left behind for us to follow. We get Ben and the others. We save Mal and hope everyhting will be normal again."Doug said. They all nodded.

Ben and the VKs were slowly getting getting them selves out of the ropes they were tied in.

"This is no use. We've been doing this for hours."Carlos groaned.

"We're not giving up. We're getting ourselves out and defeating Maleficent and saving Mal."Ben told his friends. Just then the AKs had barged in.

"You don't know how happy we were to find you guys."Chad said making everyone chuckle a little.

"We're in a little problem here. Can you help us?"Jay screamed. They all came started untying them.

"Has anyone seen Mal?"Evie asked. But before any could answer, they knew who was standing in front of them.

"Mal. It's us. Your best friend. You fiancé and friends."Evie said but Mal had no feelings. Literally you could tell.

"Why can't you understand what I'm doing is for your good?"Mal yelled before she smashed a vase.

"Mal, even you know this isn't you. I know this isn't you. We know this sin't you. We been through this before with me."Audrey pleaded to her. Mal wasn't listening.

"I have one mission and it's to take out whatever gets in my way. I guess that's you."Mal chuckled evilly.
Let 'me what you think? Do you love it or hate it? Follow on my FanFiction account at 22.justice.

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