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'What happened if we got in an accident died tragically
And next lifetime you remembered and had to come after me
And convinced me that we not meant to be that have to be
And like the defending champs you had to win it all back for me'

Mal looked at them plotting her next plot in her head.

"Mal, we're your friends."Evie pleaded to her best friend.

"No Evie. Friends just don't invite everybody but their best friend to their birthday party. Jay was around me because his dad was working with my mother. Carlos, he was a scared little boy who he had to take under our wing. You guys only became friends with us because of the almighty king he calls himself. He thought he saw our true colors. He didn't see mine clearly. Ben, only wants to change who I am or whatever but I'm sick and tired of all of this."Mal screamed at them.

"I'm done with everyone trying to follow me. Trying to be my friend. You clearly don't know me."Mal said in a harsh tone.

"Mal please listen to us."The VKs cried out in unison. Mal started laughing right when her mother had showed up.

"Loved your speech Mal. But we have some work to do."Maleficent said as she slammed her scepter against the ground which threw everybody against the wall.

"Let's play."Mal chuckled as she grabbed her sword and came towards the people she called her had grabbed their weapons they had and started fighting. Fighting against someone they love. They all came at her at once and she was able to dodge them.

"You know this isn't you Mal. This is your mother talking."Evie once had tried to plead as their swords went one on one.

"This is me Evie. Why can't understand that it is."Mal said as Ben and the Vks walked towards her.

"Mal please fight it. Your under a spell."As his sword clinked into Mal's.

"Mal, don't believe them darling."Maleficent said as the Aks were holding her back and took away all magic from her.

"She's put a spell on you that she said years ago."Ben said as he backed into the wall. Mal was holding her sword right at him.

"Everyone is lying. I was suppose to help my mother take over this stupid country but some people just managed to stop me."

"Believe us. We've been your friends for years."

"Mal, believe them. Come on baby girl."Hades pleaded as he walked in.

"No dad. I make my own choices now. And everyone telling me this, I think it's time for revenge."Mal said as she threw hr sword at her friends, another at the AKs, and one at Ben.

"I wish I didn't have to do this Mal."He pulled the ember out and Mal was fighting him. The spell, most of all. Some of her magic was probably being drained along with it. Mal tried to fight against her dad and alsmot did when Mal was thrown against the room and into a wall.

"Mal."The VKs and Ben shouted and ran towards her.

"Bring Maleficent outside. There's guards waiting to take her to dungeons at the palace."The Aks nodded and hurried back to Mal who was surrounded by everyone.

"No. This isn't suppose to be like this."Evie cried as she saw her best friend unconscious on the ground.

"Jay,Carlos can you carry her back to the limo outside?"They nodded and everyone piled up into the limo to go back to Auradon castle.

It's been a week since Mal was controlled by her mother. Since the spell was on her. Since Hades drained it from her. Since she's been unconscious. Mal was in the castle's infirmary hooked up to an IV, heart monitor. They knew her magic had been drain her but they didn't know if she would wake up the same again.

"I'm worried Ben."Evie said as she was holding Mal's hand.

"All anybody knows is her magic drained her. I'm worried too Evie."

"What if she wakes up different?"

"She can't."

That's when one of the doctors watching over Mal came in.

"King Ben. Evie."He greeted them.

"Call me Ben. What's the update with her?"Ben told him.

"She's still taking time to get her energy back since her body won't let her wake unless she's full of her energy. Other than that she's okay. She most likely complain about her head. Not really."Ben nodded and the doctor walked away.

"Come on Evie. Let's go get something to eat and some sleep."Ben said bu Evie didn't want to leave her side. That's how it's been for the last few days.

"I'll send one of the boys or someone to be with her. Come on you been like this for days."Evie agreed and left the purple hair girl's side. Jay and Carlos had came and kept Mal company.

"Why did any of this have to happen?"Jay asked.

"I don't know man but Ben wants Maleficent to be executed."

"Why is he waiting? He should just do it already."

"I think he's waiting for Mal to wake up and know what she thinks."

"I wish she would wake up already."Jay said as he glanced at Mal. Her purple hair was moved to the side, braided thanks to Evie spending all of her time in here. Mal's engagement ring on her nicely painted fingers thanks to Evie once again. She was so still. It wasn't like her. She always had to be doing something.

"Hades feels bad about this."Carlos spoke up.

"Why? He drained the spell. She's fine."

"He said he should've been there for Mal all of those years. Then maybe she wouldn't been spelled and now fighting for her life. And sorry about afterwards the ember got the best of him and threw her against the wall."

"It's nobody's fault but Maleficent's."

While the boys were talking they didn't seem to notice how Mal was slowly waking up.

"Where am I?"They heard and called the doctor over.

"Lady Mal how you feeling?"The doctor asked.

"I think I feel like I got hit by someone. My head hurts."Mal complained. The doctor laughed.

"Well the nurse will come in to give some medicine. She'll be right bak."The guys were happy but they knew Mal was out of right now.

"She'll be asleep for a few hours. Why don't you boys eat and sleep for a few hours in one of the castle rooms?"

"We're not leaving her."They said in unison. Maybe she was back.

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