Chapter 2

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Diego Barrueco casted as Giovanni pictured above 😊

The first thing I did was call Rebecca about the great news. She of course said we needed to go out tonight to celebrate. So here I was trying to tame the frizz on my thick curly long locks, while I shimmied into a black tight mini skirt with a purple blouse to match.

"Calina are you done yet?!" Rebecca whines from the other side of my door.

"Hold on, I'll be out in a second," I yell back. I put on my gold hoop earring and quickly put on some bright red lipstick. I take a quick look in the mirror satisfied with my look before exiting my room.

"Ready," I say. I take a quick look at her appearance and noticed that she curled her long blonde hair that cascaded down her back in natural waves. And she was wearing a tight black mini skirt like mine paired with a pink crop top.

Rebecca whistles, "Hot, hot! Let's go, its time to party!" she says grabbing my hand as we exit the building.

"I can't believe I let you talk me into this," I chuckle as she hails us a cab.

"Trust me you will thank me later, and who knows maybe we can finally lose your V card get you laid tonight," She says winking at me.

I involuntary sigh as I shake my head at her. Yes, I am 23 years old and I still haven't lost my virginity. I grew up being taught that virginity is a sacred thing that should be cherished. I didn't necessarily want to wait for marriage but, I did believe that it should be saved for someone that you truly love.

After about 20 minutes we finally get to the club that she wanted us to go to called LUX. Apparently she knows one of the bartenders at this club and she kind of has a thing for him. I quickly show the bouncer my ID before he let us in the club. I could feel my heart starting to race as the loud music filled my ears. Rebecca quickly grabbed ahold of my hand as she lead us through the dance floor and headed straight for the bar area.

Shortly after we sit down, a cute blonde came over. I instantly knew that it was Rebecca's bartender from the way that he looked at her.

"Becca," he smiled showing his white teeth as his dimples inverted on his cheeks.

"Richard," she says twirling a finger through her hair. Or as I like to call it, her signature flirt move.

"What can I get for you and your friend to drink?" He asks as his blue eyes passed to me before flickering back to Becca.

"Two shots of fireball please," she simply says as she bats her eyelashes at him.

"Coming right up," he winks before moving away. Shortly after he left he was back with the light brown liquid in two shot glasses.

"You better hope this tastes good," I yell at her.

"Just down it, you won't feel a thing," She waves off. I do as she says and gulp the whole thing down. The liquid had a cinnamon taste to it and it burned my throat going down but, the burning quickly subsided.

"Oh god that was terrible," I cough.

Rebecca laughs before calling over Richard to bring us two more shots. After the third round of shots I couldn't feel the burn anymore and my head started to feel a little lighter.

"Okay enough drinking it is time to dance!" Rebecca yells as she drags me to the dance floor.

We weave through the crowd of people and finally get to an area where we can freely move our bodies. I let the music take over my body as I begin to sway back and forth. I soon started to feel that there were eyes on me. I scan the crowed but, I couldn't see anyone looking at me so I shrug as I continue to dance. I soon felt a pair of hands on my hips and as I continued to dance his masculine cologne filling my sense. Our bodies moving completely in sync. Woah this guy knows how to move..

I was about to turn around to see my dancing partner when Rebecca grabs me to tell me that we need to refuel. And before I could protest we were already moving back to the bar. About 4 more shots in my head was completely spinning and we were back at the dance floor again.

I suddenly felt like I was going to puke with all the dancing we were doing. "I think I'm gonna be sick," I murmur.

"What?" Rebecca yell. I don't answer as I run out of the dance floor. My head was spinning so much that I couldn't see straight. I pushed through the first door I saw as the brisk night air hit my face. I couldn't hold it any longer as I emptied the contents of my stomach behind a dumpster. I took two heavy breaths and I slid down to the ground finally feeling some relief.

"Please s-sir, just give me more time," I hear someone plead in the distance.

"Mr. Roger's, my patience is running very thin. I already gave you extra time to give me back the money you lost," I hear a deep velvet voice say. Wait haven't I heard that voice before?

I slowly peak around the the dumpster and I see a group of men in suits standing over a quivering man who looked liked he had been beaten to a pulp. One of then Men stood out to me but I could only see his broad back.

"Please Mr. Moretti, I can get you back your money, just give me 24 hours," The man on the ground pleaded once more. What?! Mr. Moretti?!

The broad man is quiet for a moment before he answers again. "Fine, I will give you 24 hours to get me my money back Mr. Roger's, but, you will give me some collateral in exchange," His whole demeanor seemed to have changed.

The man known as Mr. Roger's opens his eyes in Horror as two of the men in suites holds him to the wall. "No, no, no please! Don't," he cries out in horror.

I internally gasp as I witness what happens next. I cover my mouth to hold in my scream.

The broad man that I still haven't seen the face of pulls out a switch blade and swiftly cuts off the mans wedding finger. I watch in horror as the man scream out in agony. One of the men in suits takes his finger and puts it in a small cooler.

"You have 24 hours, if I don't have my money back by tomorrow night Mr. Rogers, It will be more than your finger you will be losing," The man Spits venomously.

He then turns my way and I can finally see his face. I gasp in horror and hide back behind the dumpster. It IS him. Giovanni Moretti. My boss.

Chapter updated 01/03/2020

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