Chapter 6

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Picture of Gio above ^

Enjoy! 😏

I tried not to lose my stepping as I rolled my suitcase down the stairwell at 7:59 am. Shortly after I get outside, I see a black Mercedes pull up in front of me. I peer behind me and see Rebecca looking out the window waving goodbye to me.

'Good luck,' she mouths.

I give her a small smile and wave before a man with sunglasses gets out of the drivers side. He gestures for me to give him my luggage and puts it in the trunk before opening the door for me.

I slide in the car to find Mr. Moretti typing away on his phone.

"Good morning Miss Soriano, I hope you got plenty of rest," he says not looking up from his phone.

"I did," I didn't.

"Good, this is going to be a long trip. I will need you at all my meetings writing down notes for me so I need you alert," he says finally putting his phone away.

I look down as as I rub my sweaty palms on my bare knees. Why am I sweaty all of a sudden?

We sit in the car in silence as the car makes its way to the airport. The car pulls up directly next to a private jet as butterflies start to stir in my stomach.

We step out of the car and was greeted by two stewardesses asking us if we want anything to eat or drink. I politely decline suddenly feeling a little queasy.

I sit down In a chair and feel a presence sit down next to me. I peer in the corner of my eye and notice that it is Mr. Moretti. I take two deep slow breaths and close my eyes trying to relax.

"Have you ever rode on a plane before?" His voice sounds softly next to me.

"No, Sir," I say still not looking at him as I take another deep breath.

He is quite for a few minutes before he speaks again. "Don't worry, I have known Ronnie for years. He is one of the best pilot's that I know," his voice sounded so soft and sincere. Unlike the man I had come to know in a little over a week ago.

I look over at him and see a sincere smile on his face. Suddenly, I could feel the plane start to move as we start to ascend into the air.

I suddenly grab onto the nearest object I can find for support. I then heard a deep groan from Mr. Moretti but, I am too preoccupied with the plane moving to look over. When I felt the plane level out I let out a sigh of relief.

I hear a throat clear. "Miss Soriano...would you mind removing your hand?" I turn my head to see a red faced Mr. Moretti. My eyes flicker down and see where, or more like what my hand is gripping. I freeze.

Oh god.

I instantly remove my hand and jump out of my seat. "Oh my god. Oh my god. I-I am s-so sorry Mr. Moretti. I w-wasn't thinking of where to put my hand. And I just grabbed the nearest thing next to me which happened to be-" but he stops my rambling.

"It's fine, lets just forget it ever happened," he then looks away and I think I can see a slight tint of pink on his cheeks.

What. The. Fuck. I just touched his crotch!

Suddenly, the whole plan jerks and I squeal as I lose my balance and fall forward on top of my boss. I hear him groan once again as I land on top of him and look down to see that I kneed him in his crotch area.

I quickly jump off of him again and finally sit down on my seat. "Mr Moretti I-" he holds up his hand to stop me. He started to mumble incoherently asking for something but I couldn't hear him.

"What?" I asked confused

"I said get me an ice pack," he groans. Giving me a a half death glare.

I quickly get up afraid he was about to blow fire at me and walk to the front seeing one of the stewardesses. "Hi could I get an ice pack?" I ask urgently. She nods and walk away for a second and come back with an ice pack.  I run back and place it in his groin area.

He moans in almost pure pleasure as he presses down on the ice pack.

"You, are by far the clumsiest woman I have ever met," he chuckles.

"Yeah I get that a lot," I smile sheepishly at him.

"I am going to have a word with the Pilot, just sit and relax," he says before disappearing into the front of the plane.

I sit there for a few minutes looking out the window suddenly seeing how everything looked so tiny. I let out a huge yawn as my eyes suddenly became very heavy. I decided to lay my head down on the armchair to rest.

A little while later I felt my body being lifted but, I was too tired to opened my eyes. I rested my head on a warm chest and could hear this person's heartbeat, which was beating surprisingly faster than normal.

Suddenly, I was placed down on a soft pillowy surface. I curled up until I was in a comfortable position. I sensed the person walk away as I fully fall back asleep.

I wake up to hear a shower running. Shower?

I jolt awake as the water stops running. I'm on a bed ? Did we get to the hotel already ? I rush to the tiny window and see that we are still above ground on the plan. I grab my phone out of my pocket and see that I was asleep for 4 hours.

I hear a door open and my eye almost bulge out of there sockets from the sight that I see.

There standing was my boss with nothing but a towel wrapped around his torso. I couldn't help but stare at his glistening hard rock abs as water droplets run down his ripples.

He was looking right at me with a smirk clear on his face as he caught me checking him out.
"See something you like?" He asks, his smirk getting wider by the second.

I quickly turn around as I start to blush profusely. I clear my throat "how much longer do we have until our destination?"

"It is a 14 hour flight so we have a little less than 10 hours to go," he says. I can hear rustling on the other side of the room and I am hoping he is putting on some clothes.

"You can turn around now," he says, amusement still in his voice.

I turn to see him dressed in a new suit buttoning up his shirt.

"Do you mind if I use the bathroom?" I ask looking anywhere but him.

"Not at all, you can take a shower if you want too, I'll order us some food," he says before leaving the bedroom with a smirk still on his face.

I scurry over to the bathroom and shut the door behind me. I look at the mirror and almost flinch at my appearance. My hair looked like a horror show and I still had bags under my eyes.

Aye dois Mio! (Oh my god) I can't believe my boss saw me like this...can this trip get any worse? I then see blood drip down my leg and realization dawned on me that my period just started and I didn't have any sanitary pads..

Yup it just did.

Chapter updated on 01/08/2020

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