Chapter 4

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Inside the nightclub pictured above ^


I quickly tried to search for Rebecca again and headed for the bar area thinking she might be there. I look for her bright pink crop top and finally find her in the corner of the room. Of course, she was sucking face with the bartender. What was his name? Robert ?

I tap on her shoulder and she turns around and looks at me with her eyes all blood shot and her face glistening with sweat. Great she is wasted.

"Let's go Becca..I want to go home," I say pleading.

She huffs and was about to retort when I interrupt her.

"Por favor,(please)," I say more pleadingly. I can feel my eyes starting to well up with tears. Her face soften as quickly gets the message and tells me to wait outside for her. I then hurriedly make my way to the exit of the club.

I exhale a deep breath as the cool night air licks my face. Shortly after Rebecca appears at the exit the club. We quickly get a cab and head back to the apartment. As soon as we get home I rush to my room and lock the door behind me not wanting to be questioned tonight. As my head hits the pillow I finally let my emotions take over as I silently cry. When my tears dried up, I finally let sleep take over me.


The next morning I woke up with a splitting headache as the sun streamed in blinding me.

"Agua..(water)," I whined as I scurried to the kitchen and grabbed an ice cold water bottle out of the fridge. I quickly gulped it's contents and sighed in relief after I finished it.

"Morning Roomie," I hear a croaky voice say.

"Pinche bruja! (Fucking witch)," I jump thinking it's la llorona (the weeping woman) coming to get me finally. I look over and see an extremely tired looking Rebecca who looks worse than me holding a cup of coffee. I put a hand over my beating heart to slow it down.

"Jesus Calina, you are too loud," she groans putting her hand over her forehead.

"Sorry Becca, you scared me half to death," I breathe.

She waves me off and we were silent again. I move out of the kitchen and into the family room as I plop down on the couch. All the while I can feel Becca staring daggers at me the whole time.

"Lina...what happened to you last night?" She asks me cautiously.

Visions of last night start to flood my memories like I was slapped in the face. Should I tell her what I saw? I thought it over before I gave an answer.

"I just got really sick behind the dumpster outside and wasn't feeling well, so I wanted to go home," I shrugged.

How am I suppose to tell her that her boss is a psychopath that cuts people's fingers off?! She won't believe me. No one would...

"Are you sure?" She asks raising an eyebrow.

"Yes," I say trying to show a convincing face.

"Okay..." she takes another sip of her coffee.

"So, what happened with Robert?" I say trying to change the subject.

She made a confused face and burst out laughing. "Robert?! You mean Richard?"

"Crap I'm sorry, you know I'm not good with names," I say giggling. I can feel the atmosphere between us starting to ease.

" Well if you must know...he is taking me out on a date tonight," she grins before taking another sip of her coffee.

"That's great!" I exclaim. "I'm happy for you," I say with a genuine smile.

"I have a good feeling about this one...he's different," she sighs.

That's what she said about the last guy Jack. Or was his name Jake? I can't remember.

Let's say she has had a bad track record with guys from them cheating on her or her finding out they are married. Some guys would just completely ghost her all together after they slept together. So, when she says a guy is different I don't get my hopes up.

"Just be careful. And please don't stalk this one," I plead. She ended up stalking one of the guys who ghosted her and kept showing up at his job. The guys almost filed a restraining order on her.

"He told me where he worked. Why would he tell me that if he didn't want me to see him? Besides that place had really good pizza and that was the main reason I kept going there," she rolls her eyes.

"Mhmm," I respond. We spend the rest of the afternoon watching Netflix before she got up and got ready for her date.

I kept thinking about what I was going to do. I am suppose to start work on Monday at my new job and I don't think I want to anymore. They already filled my position at my old job, so I can't go back there.

After much debate, I decided I would tough it out until I could find a replacement job. I probably won't be able to find something that pays as good but, it would be better than working for a psychopath.

A very handsome psychopath that tried to kiss me last night. Great! On top of everything going on it's going to be awkward too..

Monday morning came pretty quickly as I headed out the door in my business suite trying to hail a cab. I walk through the front door and see the same plump lady at the front desk. I smiled at her as I passed and went to the elevator to get to the top floor.

I get to the top floor and see Stacy at her desk typing away at her computer. She quickly looks up and notices me. "Good morning Calina, Mr. Moretti is already in his office. He told me to send you in as soon as you got here," she says not looking away from her computer.

"Oh um...thank you. I guess I'll go in now," I say walking past her to his office. I can feel my heart start to beat faster with every step I take closer. What if he brings up the other night? I shake my head. Calm down Calina, everything will be okay. Just smile and act professional.

I straightened up my jacket before knocking twice on the door. I hear a deep voice say come in before I walk in.

Mr. Moretti is at his desk talking on the phone. I quietly wait until he is finished with the call. When he puts his phone down he directs his full attention on me.

"You wanted to see me Sir? What can I do for you," I smile politely.

He looks at me for a long time showing no emotion before he answers. "I am very disappointed Miss Soriano, you explicitly told me you were a hard worker, this was your first day and you are already late," he states venomously.

I was taken aback from this new version of Mr. Moretti.

"Sir I was told to be here before 9:00 it is 8:58-"

"I don't care you are suppose to be here 15 minutes early ready to work. You will be excused cause this is your first day. I do not accept tardiness am I clear?" He interrupts coldly.

"Y-yes Sir," I stutter.

"Good, now I need file J97 from the file room. Bring it to me with my coffee. That is all," he waves me off.

I quickly run out of there feeling the sweat drip on my brow. What the hell just happened?!

Chapter updated 01/07/2020

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