Chapter 7

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What it looks like inside the private jet bathroom above ^


Of all the times for me to forget to bring sanitary pads it HAD to be now.

I sat there for a good thirty minutes debating what to do. Maybe I can ask one of the stewardesses for one?  But that would mean leaving the bathroom...and that is not happening.

A few minutes later I hear a knock at the door.
"Everything okay in there ?" I hear a concerned Mr. Moretti.

"Yes everything is fine," I say with a strained voice while rubbing my stomach, the cramps in full force at the moment.

"Okay, the food is getting cold, you should come out and eat something."

"I will, just give me some time and I'll be out soon," I say my voice getting a little breathy.

I hear him move from the door and I let out a deep sigh. What am I going to do? I can't go out there like this. I tried to stand up and I let out a yelp as I felt a sharp pain shoot down my side.

"Fuck..." I grunt as I grip the edge of the toilet.

Suddenly I heard a bang on the door. "Calina? What's going on in there? I heard a scream," he asks in a worried voice. The doorknob rattles. "Why is the door locked?" He demands his voice getting louder.

"I'm fine," I say just above a whisper.

"You don't sound fine. Open the door," he says as he rattles the doorknob.

"No," I say finding my voice again.

"Calina. I am not taking no for an answer. Open the door or I will break it down," he says in a stern voice that sends a chill down my spine.

"You're bluffing," I scoff letting my hormones take over.

"Wanna bet?" He says in a sinister tone.

Oh shit.

Shortly afterwards there was a loud bang against the door and I let out a shriek. I continued to hear the banging against the door until it blew open.

My eyes open in horror as I see an out of breath Mr. Moretti, his face mixed with vexation and concern as he stalked towards me.

"Are you crazy?! Why did you break the door down?!" I holler.

"It's my door, I can do what I want with it," True.. "Now, why did you scream earlier?" He says crossing his arms showing the bulge in his biceps.

"I..." Oh god this is embarrassing..

He sighs in frustration. "Calina if you don't tell me I'm going to-"

"I have cramps!" I blurt squinting as another sharp pain goes down my side.

"Cramps? What do-" He furrows his eyebrows. Suddenly he opens his eyes in realization. "Oh.."

In two seconds he was out of the bathroom. Leaving me feeling disoriented. Great Calina, now your boss thinks your a klutz and a weirdo..

"Miss Soriano?" I hear a resilient voice at the door. I look to see one of the stewardesses holding some sanitary pads and a bottle of water.

"Mr. Moretti told me you were in need of some feminine assistance. Here are some pads." She hands me the packet " Also he told me you were having cramps, take two of these tablets and you will feel better soon," she says handing me the small container of what probably is ibuprofen.

"Thank you, um?"

"Amy and you're welcome Miss, let me know if you need anything else," she says before disappearing. I swallow the two tablets and chased it down with some water. Afterwards I took care of my business before walking to the front of the plane.

I observe to see Mr. Moretti already sitting down eating what looks like to be a steak.

I sit down across from him and begin eating as well.

I overhear a throat clear. "Are you feeling better?"

I blush slightly. "Yes sir, thank you for sending Amy to help me," I say courteously.

"It's fine. Glad you are feeling better," he says before taking another bite of his steak.

We ate the rest of the time in silence. Afterwards he went over with me what was going to happen majority of the trip. He pretty much told me that we had one dinner meeting to attend to and that I could do what I wanted the rest of the time.

After that Mr. Moretti took some calls and told me I could go to the back and rest if I wanted. I decided to go and take a shower finally since the medicine was kicking in.

I briskly get undressed and moan in delight as I feel the hot water run down my back. I stay in the shower a little longer than needed before I finally step out. I brush through my long black hair and put it in a French braid.

I look at my watch and see that we still have 7 hours to go. Instantaneously a yawn came on and I decided it wouldn't hurt to catch up on some more sleep. I grabbed my duffle bag and slipped on my pjs.

I quickly walked out of the bathroom and got under the covers in the huge king size bed. While I was falling asleep I could have sworn I felt a presence in the room, but I soon pushed away that feeling since I was too tired. Soon after I drift off into slumber.

"Miss Soriano?" I hear someone call my name in the distance but decide to ignore it.

"Miss Soriano, it is time to wake up," this time the voice was closer and I felt someone nudge me. I slowly lift my eye lids as I groan, not wanting to be disturbed from my sleep.

I peer to see Amy standing by the side of the bed with a small smile on her face.

"Good morning Miss Soriano, Mr. Moretti told me to wake you and to tell you to get dressed. We are now descending into Venice, Italy," she says.

I swiftly walk over to the window and see that she was right. We were now in Italy.

Updated chapter on 01-10/2020

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