Chapter 5

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Emma Roberts casted as Stacy picture above ^


It was horrible. All week he was demanding me to bring him files and write emails. At one point he told me to hand write a letter for him. Every time I wrote it, it wasn't good enough for him. He would tell me my writing wasn't neat or the letter's content wasn't good enough. He made me write it over five times before he was satisfied.

He also would make me work long hours in the office with him. Sometimes we wouldn't get off work until 10:00-11:00 pm.

All week I made sure to arrive around 8:30 in the morning and wouldn't get off until 10 or 11 at night, and do it all over again the next day.

It was now 9:30 pm on Friday and I was finishing up writing emails when Mr. Moretti comes out of his office.

"Order some food," he commands before going back into his office.

I sigh. It's going to be another long night. I grub hub for some Chinese take out and within 30 minutes it is here. I separate our food and walk into his office to give him his. After I place his food down I turn to leave when his voice stops me.

" Sit down and eat with me,"he says almost casually as he takes his jacket off and rolls up his sleeves. I couldn't help but zoom in on his muscular forearms as they flexed. I break from my trance as I realized I had been staring. I see him looking at me intently a hint of curiosity sparked in his eyes but he quickly covers it up again. "Come. Sit."

I don't argue as I sit down across the room from him and quietly start to eat my food. I could feel his eyes on me but, I dare not to look up. I  could feel the negative tension in the room as we eat in silence.

"Miss Soriano," He starts grabbing my attention.

I finally lift my eyes to his green ones. "Yes Sir?" I swallow.

He stands up goes over to the trash can to throw his plate away. "I will have a very important business meeting oversea's in Italy next week starting on Monday. We will be gone majority of the week." He turns his whole body to face me and looks at me directly in the eyes while he says his next words "Plan on packing a bag for five days at least. There will be a car to pick you up Monday morning 8:00 am sharp...I will not be in the office tomorrow, so you can have the weekend to can leave once you are finished eating," He says.

I suddenly stand. "Um, sir...I-I don't have a p-passport," I say nervously.

"Don't worry we are taking my private jet. You won't need one," he  waves off. "Get some rest. I will see you on Monday." And with those last words he was gone.


I finally finished up my food and by the time I got home it was already 11:00 pm. I took off my high heals and rubbed the soles of my feet still not used to wearing heels for 14 hours straight.

I then decided to draw a bath to sooth my sore muscles. "This was not what I pictured being a personal assistant would be like.."I mumbled to myself as I tried to relax in the hot water. Once the water got cold I got out of the bathtub and put on some PJ's before laying in bed.

As soon as I lay down I hear a ding go off on my cell phone. I lift the screen and my heart skips a beat as I see who the text was from.

Go shopping for a nice dress this weekend - Gio

Now he's telling me what to buy for myself ?! Who does he think he is?! I almost throw my cell phone across the room in anger...but instead I released a breath and responded back

Okay Sir - me

I lay back down and close my eyes as I let the darkness consume me.


"Por favor, no me lastimes! (Please, don't hurt me)," I beg on my knees as tears flood down my cheeks. He grabs my wrists and yanks me up against him. I yelp in pain as his grip becomes tighter.

"Que te Dije? (What did I tell you) Huh?" He grabs my shoulders and shakes me as I whimper.

"Lo Siento, No lo volveré a hacer! Lo prometo!(I'm sorry, I won't do it again! I promise!)" I cry.

"Callete! (Shut up)," He bellows. I feel the first strike hit my cheek while I fall to the ground. I cup my cheek as I try to ease the pain. He then grips my hair and pulls me back unto his chest. I feel the heavy breathing of his hot breath on my neck. He then licks the curve of my neck as I let out another whimper.

"Alejandro..por favor (please)," I beg as another tear falls down my cheek.

"No Importa donde corras...te encontrare..porque tu eres mía...(No matter where you run....I'll find you...because you are mine)," He says as a shiver goes down my spin. He spins me around so I can look at his dead cold eyes. "Mia para Amar...y Mia para Matar (Mine to love...and mine to kill)," He grits as he encloses his fingers around my neck. I start to choke for air as my vision becomes blurry.

My eyes widen as I look into his dark pools. A sinister smile plays on his lips and I let out a scream.

I gasp as I jerk my body awake. Another nightmare? This is the third time this week I have had that nightmare about him...Sometimes its him choking me..other times its him stabbing me to death...although it all ends the same. Me dead. I look down and see my pajama shirt is soaking wet.

I run to the bathroom and run the faucet as I throw water on my face. I look in the mirror and see the bags on my face from sleepless nights. I slowly lift up my shirt and see the scars he Imprinted on me running from my hips to my Lower back area. I exhale a deep breath. He can't hurt you anymore Calina. You are far far away from him now. He can't touch you.

Those are the words that I keep telling myself every time after I have that nightmare, but there is that bigger voice in my head that says as long as he is out there I will never be safe. And because of that, they always seem to come back. I change out of my shirt and put on a fresh one. I slide back under the covers as I try to get some sleep again...hoping the nightmares won't come back this time.

Chapter updated on 01/07/2020.

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