Chapter 8

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Calina's room at the hotel. Pictured above ^

I rapidly get dressed not wanting to waste another minute on this plane. As I walked down the steps out of the plane, I noticed a black car waiting with a door open.

As I slide in the car I find Mr. Moretti texting away on his phone. "Did you get a good nap in, Miss Soriano?" He queries as he quirks his eyebrow.

"Yes, Mr. Moretti," I blush moderately moving away from his gaze. Crap he probably walked in on me sleeping and saw that I snore like a pig.

"Good, we will be going to dinner tonight with some investors. I will need your full attention and support."

"Tonight? But I thought the dinner was tomorrow night?" I ask confused as I pull out my tablet to look at the schedule again.

"There was a change plans last minute, it had to be moved to tonight because our main potential investor Stefano Russo has to fly out first thing tomorrow morning to visit family. So, I accommodated to have the meeting tonight instead. Which is good for you I guess because after the meeting tonight you can relax for the rest of the trip."

"Oh, Okay,"I then jot down on my tablet the change in schedule while feeling a little giddy that I'll get a few days to myself after.

We were finally at the Hotel 30 minutes later and took the elevator to the top floor to our Suite. The bell hop quickly dropped off our bags before leaving the room.

"You're room is on that side," he said pointing behind me, "And mine is across from you," he looked at his watch. "Get settled in and be down in the lobby by 7:30.  Our reservations are at 8:00 at Venissa. If you need anything just let me know," he says as he walks to his room.

I walk over to the vanity doors to my bedroom. I gasp as I see how spacious and decorative it was. I shriek like a school girl as I jump on my soft marvelous bed. A thought crosses my mind as I lay there.

Maybe working for Mr. Moretti won't be that bad after all.. I then have a flash back of last weekend. That mans frightened face. Mr. Moretti's menacing appearance after he cut off that mans finger.

What kind of person does something like that? The kind of person who is in a gang...Mr. Moretti is hiding something dark...and I am not sure if I want to find out or not. Whatever he is apart of...I know it can't be good.

I look at the time and see that it is about time for me to get ready for the dinner meeting tonight. I take out my red off the shoulder cocktail dress with a high cut slit on the side and lay it on the bed. I decide to curl my hair and do a smokey eye look. I top it off with some deep red lip stick that matches my red dress and pair it off with some black pumps.

By the time I was done getting ready it was 7:25 so, I decided to head downstairs to look for Mr. Moretti.

As I entered the lobby area my eyes maneuvered around the room, searching for a tall, dark, and handsome man. My eyes suddenly locked in on his as my heart skipped a beat. I gaped as his green orbs surveyed my dress and quickly moving back up to my eyes. I watched as his adams apple bobbed up an down.  He was wearing a black Armani Tuxedo with his hair perfectly pushed back.

He slowly made his way toward me, closing in on the distance with each stride. A small curve showed on the corner of his lip. "You look stunning," He says taking a once over again.

"Thank you," I smile back  as I turn away, feeling my cheeks turn crimson.

I then hear him clear his throat.

"You're welcome. Let's go. There is a car outside waiting for us,"he says extending his elbow for me to take. I hesitantly take it feeling the sparks flow through my body as I made contact with him.

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