Chapter 3

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Ashley Benson casted as Rebecca above ^

I quickly tried to sneak away without being heard as Mr. Moretti said his last threat. I quickly, but quietly opened the door that I came out from. The loud music filled my ears again as I ran down the hallway, but the thumping of my heart was louder as I tried to get away as fast as I could. As I made distance, a million questions ran through my head. What the hell did I just see? Why was Mr. Moretti there torturing that man? Is he apart of some sort of Gang?

I searched the crowed trying to find Rebecca but her blonde hair wouldn't come into view. Donde esta (where are you) Rebecca?

I then turn around and collide with a rock hard chest. I almost fall backwards, but strong arms wrap around me to hold me steady.  I slowly look up and recognize a pair of emerald eyes staring back at me.

"Miss Soriano, I didn't expect to see you at one of my clubs, what are you doing here?" A shadow of a smirk appears on his face.

Memories of earlier started to flood my mind as I unintentionally flinch back from him. He look a little taken back from my reaction, but quickly recovered with another smirk.

"I-I didn't know this was your club Mr. Moretti, "I stuttered slightly.

"Please, we are outside the office you can call me Gio," His eyes soften slightly.

But, I stay firm with my decision. "I'm sorry I cannot do that Mr. Moretti, I would prefer to stay professional, " I say looking into his eyes before I averted them down.

He looks at me for a moment before sighing. "Very well, then, but you never answered my question, what are you doing here?" He looks over my face trying to find answers.

"M-my roommate wanted to take me out to celebrate me in getting the new job," I hope he didn't see me hiding behind the dumpster, because if he did...I am fucked.

I continued, "Speaking of that I want to thank you for hiring me, I really appreciate the opportunity, " I say trying to lighten the mood a bit. Although I am not too sure if it is a good thing anymore..

"What can I say you were...very persuasive in your interview," he said with a hint of emotion that I couldn't detect. A moment of silence occurred between us as he started at me.

"Well, it was great seeing you Mr. Moretti, but, I should be getting back to my friend," I say about to turn to leave, but a strong calloused hand stopped me.

"Please, won't you have a drink with me? I would love to get to know you better," he says with a hint of  sincerity.

I almost decline, but he seems like the kind of man you don't want to say no to. "O-okay, maybe just one drink?" Great Calina, what did you just get yourself into?

"Great, lets go somewhere more private," he says as he leads me away. Private? Ay dois mio. He's going to kill me! No, no, calm down Calina he just wants to have a drink. That's all.

We make our way upstairs to the VIP area as we walk past two scary bouncers. We then sit down on a love seat couch, our legs almost touching.

Mr. Moretti looked at me with concern. "Is there something wrong Calina? You're whole body is shaking," he says looking at me up and down.

Shit, was I shaking this whole time?

"Oh it is just a little chilly in here is all." I say as I rub my arms. Hopefully he buys it.

"Oh here, take my jacket," he says as he slides off his jacket. I can see the ripples of hard muscles almost bursting through his shirt as he drapes it around me and I try not to stare.

"Um, thank you," I say in a small voice as I smell the remanence of his cologne still lingering on his coat. Is that aqua de gio?

"Now, what would you like to drink?" He asks me with a bit of eagerness.

"Um, I don't know. Why don't you chose?" I offer.

"Very well," he snaps his finger and a waiter comes by. He quickly orders us two drinks and the waiter scurries away.

"So, I never got to ask you this at the interview...but what made you want to work at my company?" He asks curiously as he tilts his head.

"Well.." I start but the waiter was back with our drinks. He thanks him and asks if there is anything else he needs but he waves him away. I then take a couple sips of the drink. Mmm que Bueno..

I then hear a throat clear. "You were saying?"

" you want me to be completely honest?" I ask honestly.

He then nods for me to continue.

"Honestly I heard the pay was really good at your company so that was the main reason I applied. I have struggled with money all my life and I thought it could be my big break," I say with all honesty that I kinda felt guilty saying it.

He then smiles at me, really smiles and my god did he look gorgeous. "You know, I knew there was something I liked about you. And I can see I made the right decision in hiring you, and don't feel guilty for telling me. Money is what drives people to do what they want to do. I mean look at me? I am practically running an empire because of it," He says waving his hands around before taking a sip of his drink and his cockiness showing.

Yeah and god knows what else... Okay it is time to leave now Calina.

I then quickly finish my drink. "Mr. Moretti, It was a pleasure spending time with you, but I really must go now. My friend is probably worried about me, " I quickly stand up an try to take a step but end up losing my balance and close my eyes as I fall forward.

A pair of strong arms wrap around me. I slowly open my eyes as I see a pair of emeralds lock eyes with me. I then realize that I fell on top of him. I feel him move a strand of hair from eyes and behind my ear. I let out a gasp as he brushed his thumb across my bottom lip.

"Bellissima..(Beautiful)," he whispers. What? My mind started to become hazy and I could feel my heart start to pick up as his lips moved closer to mine. He was mere centimeters away when we were interrupted.

"Mr. Moretti? Would you like something else to drink," I hear a voice say.

At those words I jumped off of his lap. Mr. Moretti cleared his throat and said no and sent the waiter away. At the corner of my eye I could see him adjusting his pants as well.

"I am so sorr-" I start.

"It is fine," He interrupted.

"I should really go. Here is your jacket back Goodnight Mr. Moretti," I say quickly as I thrust the jacket in his hands and scurry out of the VIP lounge. As I walk away more questions flooded my head again such as,Why did he try to kiss me? But the more scary one was. Why was I going to let him?

Updated on 01/05/2020

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