Getting Help

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Draco covered up his arms, unable to look Harry in the eyes.
"Draco...." Harry started, but he couldn't find the words. He didn't understand how it had gotten this far, surely someone at the Home would notice?!

Draco just looked at the floor. He was certain that Harry was disgusted with him - or at least not want to be friends with him anymore. Who would want to be friends with a freak like him? Draco waited for Harry to say something, anything - even if it was shouting at him. He'd rather that than be treated like a freak. That was probably the reason Draco had never told anyone - awkward conversations.

"Draco... How long have you been doing this?" Harry whispered after a while.
"About a year.... And you can stop treating me like I'm a fucking freak." Draco spat out the last part. He felt annoyed as Harry's face crumbled - he had the dream life, and he'd had this shit one. He was the one who was beaten and raped! He was the one who saw his mum and Amelia die!
Harry sighed. He knew that he was careful around him - and he doubted Draco would want to be treated like glass - but he didn't want to act like nothing was wrong! He saw Draco frown, and his fists clench. He was clearly thinking something. Harry had no idea what to say so they simply sat there in silence.

When the lunch bell rang Draco sighed and packed up his bag.
"Where are you going?" Harry asked, suddenly aware.
"My form room...."
"Are you going to eat something?" Harry questioned as Draco rolled his eyes.
"I don't know, I might have an apple..."
"Draco that is no where near enough!"
"Just get off my back, okay Harry!"
"I'm trying to help you!"
"I don't need help!" Draco yelled, "especially not from you."he added.
"What the hell is that supposed to mean?"
"You're the one who drove me to suicide! I would've done it on Saturday but I didn't because I thought I might have a chance of happiness with you! But then you say you don't love me, you only said it to pity me! Then you treat me like a freak! So just stay the hell away from me!" Draco yelled, tears streaming down his face, before barging past Harry and leaving.
"Oi, mate, where 'ave you been?" Ron said between mouthfuls of food as he sat down.
"Ron, that's disgusting. I'm guessing you were with Draco?" Hermione added.
"Yeah we -"
"Wait! Did you finally ask him out?"
"No, Ron, in fact I think I just screwed up any chance I have with him..... Pretty sure he hates me."
"I'm sure he doesn't hate you, Harry. What actually happened?"
"Well, I didn't know what to say, and I was talking to him gently, but then he got mad and said....."
"said what, Harry?"
"said that I was the reason he tried to commit suicide....."
"What the fuck?! He tried to top himself?!"
"Ron will you please be quiet! I'm sure he didn't mean it. He was probably just hurt and lashed out because you told him you didn't love him. He probably likes you back....."
"What the bloody hell, mate? You love the guy but then tell him you don't? What the bloody hell is wrong with you?"
"Ronald Weasley I swear, if you don't shut up I will tell the school about what happened yesterday!" Hermione hissed angrily while Ron quickly went silent.
"Thanks, Mione. And I told him that I didn't love him because I didn't want to lose him altogether. I thought he didn't like me, but it turns out he does, and the only reason he didn't do it on Saturday is because he thought he'd get a chance of happiness with me... So it is my fault."
"Harry, you can't think like that. You didn't know he felt like this - I doubt anyone did. The point is you saved him and that's all that matters."
"I... I guess"
"Good. Now where's Draco now?"
"Em... His form room, I think...."
"Okay, well go over there and tell him the truth!"
"But -"
"Harry! Do you want a chance with him or not!"
"Okay, okay, I'm going!"

When he reached the year 10 Slytherin form room, he got nervous. What if Draco wasn't there? What if he wouldn't talk to him? What if -
"Can I help you, Potter?".  Harry's thoughts were interrupted when he saw Pansy Parkinson speaking to him, an annoyed look on her face.
"Em... Yeah, actually... I need to speak to Draco."
"About what?"
"Em.... Things...."
Pansy glared at him a while before sighing and rolling her eyes.
"I'll get him," she said coldly before walking into the room. A minute or 2 later she came back out.
"He's gone to the bathroom."
"The bathroom?!"
"Yes, Potter, the bathroom, the place were people go -"
She was cut off however as Harry ran to the bathroom on the 3rd floor. No one used that one after a girl had been murdered in there 6 years ago.

Harry burst into the bathroom and found Draco on the floor, staring down at his arms as tears ran down his face. His arms had five fresh cuts, and beside him a small penknife, its blade dotted with blood.
"Draco!" Harry cried running to him. He wrapped him in a hug as the blonde boy sobbed quietly into his shoulder. Harry then grabbed some paper and pressed it against his wounds to stop the bleeding.
"Do you have any bandages?" Harry asked, while Draco nodded before fishing into his backpack and producing a roll of bandages.
They spent a few minutes wrapping up his arms and afterwards they sat next to each other.
"Draco, why did you cut yourself again?"
Sighing, Draco replied, "You have no idea what it is like to be haunted by something everyday. Cutting, it helps me deal with it. It almost lets me control the amount of pain I feel."
"Draco, you can't carry on like this. I get that this might seem to make things better, but it doesn't. You'll become addicted, and you'll always be inclined to cut, meaning you'll always have to deal with pain. Draco, you need help."
"No adult would ever understand. They pretend they do, but how can they." looking straight into Harry's eyes he coldly continued, "and if you tell anyone I will never speak to you EVER again....."
Harry sighed, before a he spoke seriously to Draco, "then I'll help you."
"Because you help the people you love."
"Ugh, this again. Do you or do you not love me! For God's sake, make up your mind!"
"I do, Draco! I've loved you since Christmas last year. That's why I changed - it was the only way I'd ever get a chance with you!"
Draco was surprised by Harry's answer. It did make sense - "but then why did you say you didn't?"
"because I thought you didn't like me back... And if I couldn't have you as a boyfriend, I wanted to at least keep you as a friend."
"..... That's stupid. I only reacted like that because of all the stuff you didn't know about me."
"Heh, so... Am I forgiven?"
"I guess."
Harry then smiled and pulled Draco closer to him. Their lips met and they shared a long, incredible kiss. When they pulled away, they realised they were both smiling.
"Draco, will you be my boyfriend?"
Draco laughed, almost unable to believe it, "you're serious?"
"Defiantly. I love you, Dray."
"I - I love you too." Draco replied, while Harry smiled more than ever.
"Yes! Of course I will!"
And they shared another kiss, even more perfect than the last. They then turned to a hug, while Harry whispered in Draco's ear,
"I promise I will get you through this...."


Yes Drarry! Btw, I was reading back through my writing, and when Draco finds Amelia in the first part, it's meant to say she had a knife in her HAND, not eyes. Please tell me what you think of the story so far, I would love some feedback. Thank you!

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