Chapter 19

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I ran upstairs to my room before shutting the door behind me. I put my bag on my chair and that's when I saw it.

An orange envelope was on my bed.


I shouted out for Lisa because I wanted to ask her if she knew anything more about this note.

I heard footsteps but instead of Lisa it was Mum.

"Sorry Mum I was looking for Lisa."

"Well she went out a few minutes ago," I frowned because it wasn't like Lisa to go out in the evening.

I gestured to the note and Mum nodded, "Well, someone told me to give it to you."

"Who was it?"

"A woman," Mum turned to leave but I stopped her.

"Describe her."

"She had blond hair, dark eyes and petite figure."

"And so she randomly just left the note here?"


"I bet it's another threat. Like the one I got before."

"I offered to contact the police but you said no," Mum said sounding slightly frustrated.

"They told dad to becareful when driving. They didn't suspect anything unusual with the accident."


"I feel like they would probably tell me to check with anyone who has my address. They would say someone is pranking me."

"Who do you know has this address."

"Some people from uni and my old school. But it can't be them. They won't do it. Why now?"

"Who in work has your address?"

"Peter knows our address very well I just don't think he has a motive to threaten me. Our address is definitely in the work system. The system has all employees details. I will find out more about exactly who can access it" I sat on the bed. "So this woman, how did she speak."

"Clearly, confidently and no slang."

"Why do you say that as if I speak slang?"

"I did not"

"Is there anything that distinguishes her. Like did she have a mole or anything on her face."

"She had a massive spot on her forehead."

"Something that distinguishes her and is permanent."

"No... She didn't have anything."


Mum turned to leave my room before stopping.

"You can always speak with our old neighbour. Maybe she has seen her around."

"So you think the blondie killed our neighbours dog?"

Mum smirked, "You can't judge a person by their hair colour."

I rolled my eyes before leaving to go to my neighbours house.

The walk there was short and silent. Once at the old woman's house I knocked gently and waited.


So I knocked again and took a step forward.



My eyes!

I blinked several times. Great now I can't stop seeing the flash.

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