Joey vs Yugi

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Me, Tea, Tristen, and Bakura were on the balcony watching as Yugi and Joey took their places on the platforms. I was nervous, I want both of them to win.
"Who would've gressed that out of all the duelist that started this tournanment, the two best friends would wind up in the final match?" Bakura asked.
"Yeah, this is definitely harsh," Tristen agreed.
"Well, at least one of them will get the chance to take on Pegasus after our match," I sighed.
"I guess your right, but don't you think it would be easier if we could just flip a coin or something? Then we could get on with the next matchnow," Tea said.
"I don't think it works that way, Tea," Tristen said.
"Well, why doesn' it? Yugi and Joey are like brothers, they shouldn't have to be force to fight like this," Tea said with sadness. I grabbed her hand knowing how she felt.
"I totally hear what you're saying, but that's just how this tournament works," Tristen said.
"Well, I don't like it," she told him. I nodded.
"Neither to I, Tea, neither do I," I said.
"Joey, wait a sec," Yugi said having second thoughts.
"Listen, Yug. I hope this isn't about you having second thoughts about you dueling me. Come on, pal," Joey said to him.
"I'm sorry, Joey, but I don't think I can do this," Yugi said to him.
"Suck it up, Yugi. You said it yourself, if it came down to us, or dueling Nikki, that we would just play our best and honorable duel. That's the only way we're going to know which one out of the three of us is best prepared to take on Pegasus in the final match. So let's duel!" Joey told him. Yugi turned into Yami.
"Alright, Joey. Time to duel," he agreed.
"Yugi, before we start I just wanna say thanks, man. Just look at me, I'm in the semi-final match of the biggest Duel Monster tournament that's ever been thrown. And it's all because of you, bud. Both you and Nikki. You two got me here and you both watched out for me," Joey said.
"You're wrong, Joey. You've earned your place here," Yami said for me and Yugi.
"Thanks, pal. Jus tknow that, no matter what happens here. You're my friend and you always will be, Yug, but don't think that means I'm gonna go easy on ya in this match. Or that I expect you to go easy on me. I'm ready for ya best. So let's do this thing! Joey told him. Both drew their cards and the duel begun.
(Joey-2000, Yugi-2000)
"I'll throw this in attack mode," Yami said playing Celtic Guardian.
"You know, it was one thing when Joey and Yugi had duels back home and there was nothing big on the line. But here..." Tea started.
"Everything's at stake. The money for Serenity's eye operation, the duel to save Yugi's grandpa. Take about pressure. I wish they could both win," Tristen said.
"Stakes are high, but hopefully after everything's said and done there'll be a way for both of htem to get what they've worked so hard for," Bakura said.
"Alright, Joey! Its' your turn now!" Yami told him.
"Alright, you've asked for it! I'm thowing Giltia, the Lightning in attack mode!" Joey said as his monster appeared.
"Hows that for starters?" Tristen asked.
"Giltia, attack! Soul Spear Assault!" Joey ordered. It attacked Yami's monster and destroyed it.
(Joey-2000, Yugi-1550
"Ya, Celtic Guardian's been creamed! I warned ya, Yugi. I'm not going to be pulling any punches in this duel," Joey said.
"Joey's really not kidding. Check out the score, he's in the lead," Tristen said.
"Don't forget though, Tristen, there's a long way to go. Anyway can score and early lead, but only a few can hold it out until the end," Bakura said.
"Only the best," Tea added.
"Exactly right, Tea. You see, Tristen, even though Yugi's behind on life points, he's proven himself able to stay focused and able to make the big plays when they count. Not that Joey hasn't shown the same promise, just that Yugi's got more experience and that's maybe what gives him that edge," Bakura explained. There was a moment of silence.
"Time you, Joey," Yami said.
"Time out?!" Joey asked.
"Ever since we arrived on this islad I've done my very best to teach you everything that I know and now you must put everything you've learned into play. Think strategically. You cannot afford any mistakes," Yami told him.
"Mistakes? You saying, Yug, I've messed up already? It's only one turn so far," Joey said.
"What I'm saying, Joey, that in a duel of this magnitude that every single move you make is crucial, one false card and it can cost you everything you've worked so hard for," Yami clarified.
"I've got it. Every move I make here has got to be right on the dot," Joey realized.
"That's right because here no one let's a mistake go unpunished. Not Pegasus and not me," Yami smirked. Joey smirked back.
"Okay. Time in, now give me your best shot, pal," Joey told him.
"I intend to. Go, Gaia, the Fierce Knight!" Yami played his card in attack mode. "Attack!" Yami ordered. Gaia then destroyed Giltia. "Giltia the Knight is no more," he said.
(Joey-1550, Yugi-1550)
"You sure took it to me there, Yug. Good move. Now, let's see what old Joey can come up with," Joey said. He drew his card and set his Armoured Lizard in defenese mode.
"What's he playing that throw away monster for?" Tristen asked.
"Who knows? Perhaps Joey hasn't learnt as much as we thought," Bakura answered. I shook my head.
"That's not it, Bakura. Knowing Joey he's probably got something planned already. Sure he has his...crazy moments, but there are times he's smart. I know this is one of those moments," I said. I looked at Yami who smirked thinking the same thing.
"Come on, Yugi. It's your turn now," Joey said.
"And I'll play this, Summoned Skull in attack mode," Yami played his card. "Lightning Strike attack!" It attacked the Lizard then destroying him. "Armoured Lizard is vanquished."
"Look at Joey. He's almost looks glad his creature was struck!" Bakura said in shocked.
"Man that's sad. He's in denial already," Tristen said. I chuckled.
"That's not what he meant, Tristen. Joey played a weak monster so that Yugi would lead a false sense of security and attack it. After all, Joey knows full well that Yugi has monsters in his deck that could easily beat his Armoured Lizards. Joey is trying to draw Yugi's monsters out," I stated.
"Sorry, bud, but I was hoping you were going to throw down that Summoned Skull card. I needed him out of my strategy to work. A strategy that has zero mistakes I might add. But here, you don't have to take my word for it, you can see it for yourself. Get ready, bud, 'casue it's my turn to teach you a lesson!" Joey said.
"Joey seems confident that whatever he has planned will take down Yugi's Summoned Skull," Tea said.
"Alright, Yug. I'll play this first in attack moke," Joey played his Flame Swordsman card.
"The Flame Swordsman? Why play him?" Yami asked confused. Everyone else was confused, but I sensed a plan. Joey has learned from me and Yugi about throwing the opponent off. Start weak first to make the oppenent think they have a chance then add something to make your monster stronger to win.
"The Swordsman won't stand a chance. The Summoned Skull's attack power is too high," Tristen said.
"Not once Joey plays that!" I told them as Joey plays Sheild and Sword.
"Oh no!" Yami gasped.
"The magic of Shield and Sword flips all monsters attack with their defense poitns," I informed.
"I get it now. Joey's Swordsman will have more attack points than Yugi's Summoned Skull," Tristen said. I nodded. I wiped a fake tear away.
"Yugi and I taught him so well. They grow up so fast, I'm so proud," I fake cried making my friends laugh as well as bring smiles to Yami's and Joey's faces.
"So how's that for putting every slick move I've never learnt into play, Yug? Betcha you wish you hadn't shown me the ropes quite so well, huh, bud?" Joey asked. "Attack! Flaming Sword of Battle!" Joey ordered. It was then Summoned Skull was gone. "Summoned Skull has been reduced to ash!" Joey said.
(Joey-1550, Yugi-1150)
"Well done, Joey. You've not only reduced my life points, but you've also destroyed one of my best monsters," Yami congratulated.
"Thanks, pal, but that's nothing compared to some of the other moves I've got ready to bust out in this duel," Joey told him.
"I look forward to seeing them, Joey, but remember, you're not the only one with powerful moves to play," Yami reminded.
"Well then bring them on, pal," Joey challenged.
"This duel is really heating up," Tristen said.
"Yes and with the level of skill those two possess, I have a strong feeling that things are only going to get hotter down there," Bakura said.
"Oh great," Tea pipped up.
"So, let's see one of them moves, Yug," Joey said as Yami was taking his turn.
"Very well, Joey. Summoned Skull will now be avenged," Yami said.
"Oh yeah? Well, you're gonna have to get through my Flame Swordsman first," Joey told him.
"Prcisely. Curse of Dragon, attack mode!" Yami summoned his dragon. "And next, I'll use my Polymerization card to fuse my dragon with Gaia, the Fierce Knight. Behold, Gaia, the Dragon Champion!" Yami said as his monsters came together. "Now, my Dragon Champion, attack!" Yami ordered. It was then Flame Swordsman was destroyed.
(Joey-750, Yugi-1150)
"Oh my!" Tea gasped.
"See, this is what I meant. This is what happens when Yugi keeps a laser eye focus and makes the big plays when they count. And now, I guess we'll see if Joey can do the same," Bakura said.
"How can Joey make a big play with the Dragon Champion out there?" Tristen asked. I shook my head.
"It's not about what's out, Tristen. You see, just as my brother was able to kepe his cool while facing the Flame Swordsman, now Joey's got to be able ot keep focused even while he's being attack by his best friend. He's being forced to think on his feet," I stated.
"You know, it's as thought Yugi and Joey are pushing each other to duel there very best," Tea said. I nodded.
"I think you're right, Tea. They're pushing each other as hard as they can so that no matter whaich on of them win this duel, he'll be both ready to fact off against Pegasus. So even though they're being force to fight each other, they've actually found a way to help each other. It's amazing!" I smiled. Tea just gasped in awe.
"Yugi! You're Dragon Champion's done for. Watch this," Joey said confidently. "First I'm summoning the Red Eyes Black Dragon in attack mode!" Joey played his card. "Then I'll add Grave Robber to steal a monster from your graveyard," Joey said.
"My Skull!" Yami gasped.
"Yeah, that's right, Yugi, now he's mine," Joey said as Summoned Skull appeared on his side. "And next I think I'll throw down this little critter right here. Check out the Copy Cat card! Now I can copy any card you have on the field!" Joey played his card. "And I know which one I want too. The powerful, mystical, Polymerization!" Joey smirked.
"The fusion card!" Yami realized.
"Bingo! I may never have played it before, but I've seen you and Nikki use it plenty of times," Joey said. I looked at my friends.
"I told you he's learned a lot from me and Yugi," I said.
"Red Eyes Black Dragon and Summoned Skull, combine yourselves into one!" Joey ordered. It what then the two combined and changed completely. "Check it out, the Black Skull Dragon (3200 ATK, 2500 DEF)," Joey said.
"Oh no!" Yami gasped. Pegasus clapped for this, but we ignored him.
"Alright, buddy, I'm pretty sure you know what's going to happen next so you better brace yourself. Go, Black Skull Dragon, attack the Dragon Champion now! Malted Firebolt!" Joey ordered. It was then Dragon Champion was destroyed.
(Joey-750, Yugi-550)
"I did it! I can't believe I did it! I actually took out one of your powerful monsters in your deck! I just beat your Dragon Champion!" Joey said proudly. I chuckled, I couldn't blame him thought. Dragon Champion is tough. "I get it, you're keeping your game face on to try and keep me in suspense," Joey said.
"No, Joey, I'm just letting oyu enjoy your triumph. You played a fine move. Now allow me ot play mine," Yami smirked.
"Uh oh, guys. I think this duels heating up again," Tea said.
"Yeah, did you see the look in Yugi's eyes?" Tristen asked.
"That stare has meant doom for many duelists. But at the same time..." Bakura paused.
"What?" Tea asked.
"Joey seems unstoppable right now. It's truly anyones duel," Bakura finished. I frowned.
"Yugi...Joey..."I whispered.
"Ready, pal? 'Casue my Black Skull Dragon's gonna end this match," Joey told him.
"Wrong, this duel's just getting started," Yami replied.
"This duel is too close," Tea said. I nodded with Tristen.
"They're both playing at the top of their form, at this stage either one of them could win," Tristen said.
"I've never seen such an exciting duel. Who would've thought that at this point, Joey could have more life points than Yugi?" Bakura asked. I frowned.
"Gee, I'm happy my duel was so boring for you, Bakura," I mumbled. He smiled at me.
"I thought your Angel of Sins was remarkable. How you were able to summon that dragon. It was amazing, Nikki!" He told me. I smiled at him.
"Thank you, Bakura," I said to him. We looked back at the match. Yami drew another card.
"Go ahead and toss it, Yugi. It won't surprise me, I know your cards by heart," Joey told him.
"That's true and you will aso know that it's my favorite and that it is one of my most powerful cards," Yami told him. "Dark Magician, attack mode!" Yami said as his monster came to the field.
"Figures, you always count on the Dark Magician when you're in a tight spot, but not this time, even Dark Magician is no match for Black Skull Dragon," Joey said.
"Are you sure?" Yami smirked.
"In a duel, the monster with the lowest attack points loses...that's one of the first lessons you ever taught me about Duel Monsters, Yugi. Your past is coming to haunt ya!" Joey told him.
"Let's see who spooks whom. Don't forget, I also taught you how to enhance your weaker monsters with magic cards," Yami said with his smirked still present.
"No, don't tell me!" Joey gasped in horror.
"You know what's coming. Magical Hats, protect and conceal the Dark Magician!" Yami ordered.
"I usually like this trick," Joey grumbled.
"That should slow Joey down, big time," Tristen said.
"It's your pick, Joey. So tell me, which hat do you think is hiding my Dark Magician?" Yami asked.
"I guess I'll just have to take them down one at a time! Attack! Malten Firebolt!" Joey ordered. He took one of the hats down, but now Yami has a turn to fight back again.
"This may have been Joey's last shot. Whenever a duelist gives Yugi time to recover, he always comes back stronger than before," Tristen stated.
"Yes, but if Joey loses, how can he save his sister? No matter who wins, somebody is going to lose everything," Bakura said. I shook my head.
"I know, Yugi. He'll work something out. If it's me and Joey that duels and he wins, he'll get his prize money. If I win, I'll win the prize money, give it to him, duel Pegasus and get mine and Yugi's grandpa back. It's the same for Yugi," I stated.
"Now that your attack on my Dark Magician has failed, is there any other play you want to make before I end your turn?" Yami asked.
"Now that you mention it, I did have one in mind. I hope I'm doing the right thing by playing this card. I mean, it could be a mistake, but I play Garoozis in attack mode. Your turn," Joey said.
"Why play that card?" Yami asked.
"Oh that's right, what could I have been thinking? The Dark Magician has an attack of 2500 and Garoozis only has an attack power of 1800," Joey said.
"Yes?" Yami asked him.
"Then I guess you've got no choice but to attack Garoozis. I'm giving the game away here, but I've got no one to blame but myself. So go ahead, Yug and bring it on. Attack my Garoozis with your Dark Magician. That's what I get ofr my bone head move," Joey told him.
"An attack like that will bring joey down to 50 life points!" Tea exclaimed.
"However, it would also bring out Yugi's Dark Magician, leaving it unprotected against Black Skull Dragon on Joey's next turn," Bakura stated.
"What's the matter? Bring it on! I can't stop ya attack!" Joey told him.
"Yugi won't fall for a trap like that. After all, he taught Joey everything he knows," I said. Yami smiles.
"Sorry, Joey, but I'm not going to fall for that one. Instead I'll place a card inside one ofhte Magical Hats and end my turn. Time to pick another Hat, Joey," Yami told him. There was a pause before Joey sent his Dragon in to destroy another hat. Wrong one. Yami draws another card so Joey could attack again.
"I'm not going to miss this time, Yugi! Dragon attack that hat on the far left!" Joey ordred. It did so and the hat revealed a trap card, Spellbinding Circle reducing Black Skull Dragon's attack to 2500. Joey switched Garoozis into defense mode.
Now you're onto the defensive. It's a nice change," Yami smiled.
"Yugi's Spellbinding Circle has wiped out Joey's attack advantage!" Tea said.
"It's still a close match though," Tristen added.
"Yugi can attack with Dark Magician, but it wouldn't do any good," I stated.
"Why do you say that, Nikki?" Tea asked.
"Both Dark Magician and Black Skull Dragon now have 2500 attack points. It's a standoff unless one fo them can do something to topt he balance in his favor,"I informd.
"You've dueled well, Joey, but th etide of this battle is about to turn. Prepare youself, Joey. I'm about to obliterate your dragon," Yami told him.
"I'm ready for it, Yugi!" Joey said. Yugi drew his card and smirked.
"This is it, Joey! The card I drew will vanquish your Skull Dragon once and for all! The Book of Secret Arts!" Yami revealed his card. This card increases Dark Magician's attack to 2800. "Go, Dark Magician! Attack the Black Skull Dragon!" Yami ordered. Black Skull Dragon was destroyed. "Joey, Black Skull is beaten." Pegasus clapped at Yami. I know Joey will get back fromt his.
"You really got slammed you think the duel is over for him?" Tristen asked.
"It all really depends on what Joey will do next. Losing Black Skull Dragon was a heacy loss for Joey, but not a critical one," I said.
"Yes, if Joey can pull himself together, he can still win," Bakura agreed. I looked at Joey...don't give up, Joey. Do this for your sister. Joey drew his card and smirked.
"Alright, Yugi, time to kiss the baby! Go, Baby Dragon, attack mode! Then I'm laying this down too," Joey placed a card faced down. Yami got the wrong idea thinking it was Time Wizard and attacked. It was Kunai with Chain which Garoozis used to stop the attack. "That last move brings us to the home stretch," Joey said. Yami agreed.
"Let's finish this match and find out which one of them will duel against Nik," Yugi said. Joey paused before talking to Yami.
"It's been an honor dueling with you, Yug," he said.
"Likewise, Joey," Yami told him.
"How cool. Even in the midst of battle the two are friends first," Tea said choking up. I nodded with a smile.
"Of course they are, Tea. They've been friends for a long time, right? And nothing is going to break that friendship apart. When you are as close of friends as they are, the bond become permant. No matter what, they'll always be brothers making it impossible to break that bond," I stated.
"I know that neither one of us wants to lose this match, but if I do, I'm glad it was to you, buddy. Now let's do what you said and finished this duel! And maybe this draw will do just that, guess there's just one way to find out. Here goes," Joey said. He draws. "Unreal! I just pulled ht eone card from my entire deck that can really finish this duel and decide the winner!"
"You mean you pulled..."
"That's right, the Time Wizard. It's kinda strange that this is all coming down to a card that you gave me, Yug. And you were right, that card saved me quite a few times in the tournament. Now, with Baby dragon on the field, I'm going to give it one last spin and hope it saves me again," Joey said. Joey activated Time Roulette and we watched anxiously. It landed on Time Machine. "Jackpot!" Now Baby Dragon was Thousand Dragon while Dark Magician was an old man.
"Look at Dark Magician!" Tea said.
"He's age a thousand years! He's no match for Joey's dragon," Tristen said.
I can't believe it! This is it! I'm really going to do it. All I have to do is attack and I'll actually have beaten your Dark Magician," Joey said. He then attacked Dark Magician. Yami counters with Makiu, the Magical Mist which smothere Thousand Dragon's attack. We all gapsped, even Pegasus. "What?! How could you play Makiu while it was still my turn?!" Joey asked.
"With magic, a magic so strong that it took my Dark Magician a thousand years to learn it," Yami told him.
"Say what?!"
"That time warp did age my Dark Magician, but it made him stronger, not weaker. And with age comes great wisdome, a thousand years of wisdome that have transformed him into the Dark Sage. And ultimate magician who's new powers allow me to play a magic card and during everyone of your turns and everyone one of mine. The magic card I chose to counter your attack was Makiu, the Magical Mist. With it's enchanted rainfall onto the fild, you're Dragon's smoke screen was neutralized before it reached my mage. Now I'll invoke his powers for my turn and draw this magic card," Yami explained. I then see tears in Yami's eyes. "You faught a valient duel, my friend and this is the hardest move I've ever had to make...but this ends now," he played Monster Reborn bringing for Black Skull Dragon to his side. I then see tears in Joey's eyes. Seeing them both cry brought tears to my eyes breaking my heart.
"Yugi, go fot it! It's cool!" Joey told him. Yami nodded and did the attacked...Yami won the duel.
"I tell ya, that was really tough to watch," Tristen siad. Tea let her tears fall as I already had.
"I'm just glad it's over and I'm so proud of them both. They dueled their hardest, but never once forgot their friendship" Tea said. I nodded.
"You're right, Tea. It was an honor to watch...and it'll be an honor to duel Yugi," I said. After that, Joey congratulated Yugi and tried to give the Glory of the King's hand card back to me. I shook my head and told him to keep for it for Serenity. I only wanted to save the Kaiba brothers and Yugi's grandpa. Yugi looked at me.
"I guess it'll be our turn now," Yugi told me. I nodded with a small smile.
"Yeah...and it'll be an honor," I said to him. Yugi then frowned.
"Just be careful, sister," he told me. I nodded.
"You too. You better give me your all," I said. He nodded.
"Right back at you," he replied. will be time for me and my brother.

Angel of the Blue Eyes Season 1Where stories live. Discover now