Chapter 8

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The council had met and Cordelia reluctantly told them everything. They had all agreed that Elliott wasn't to be told anything, and that the focus right now was to make sure she was under their supervision and with the coven. Cordelia was relieved they didn't ask many questions outside of Elliott's abilities, mostly they were concerned with how Cordelia was handling it. She informed them of what little she knew of the girls background so they knew what questions to avoid asking and things that might make her angry, and after discussing the normal procedural things the council was adjourned.

Cordelia made her way back downstairs to see Elliott had awoken and was once again reading her book, she passed by her and headed towards the kitchen, grabbing herself a glass of wine and some snacks before heading back and sitting down next to the girl, forcing her to look away from her book. "Did you have a nice nap?" She asked calmly, offering the girl a smile.

The girl softly nodded, "I probably shouldn't have slept, I'll be up all night." She responded quietly, not used to making small talk.

"You needed the sleep, I'm sure the greenhouse wasn't the most comfortable place." Cordelia chuckled, offering her a bowl of chex-mix. The girl hesitated before Cordelia continued, "You didn't eat much of your dinner, you know eating food is what keeps you alive."

Elliott gave a slight chuckle before reaching for the bowl and grabbing a few pieces, "I don't eat that much" She offered the older woman, knowing it wasn't a sufficient answer but hoping it would make the supreme drop the subject.

"Well what foods do you like to eat?" The supreme asked, "I mean you're still here so you must have been eating something, unless you're really a ghost."

Elliott chuckled in response, "I am absolutely a ghost. Sorry to break it to you." The two shared a laugh before she continued, "I don't really have any favorite foods, I'm not picky, so you don't have to worry about me."

"Well I know you're allergic to shrimp, any other allergies? Shellfish?" Cordelia asked.

"No just shrimp, other shellfish are fine for some reason." Elliott responded.

Cordelia offered the young girl some more chex-mix, and Elliott took another, slightly larger, handful. The supreme noticed the book she was reading and saw she was almost completely done with it. "The history of witchcraft huh? You really sped through that, it took me over three months to get through it. You like to read?"

"Yea, I do when I have time. This ones really interesting, with all the witch hunters and stuff. Are they still around?" Elliott asked.

"Unfortunately yes, but they aren't as big as they used to be. Fiona got rid of most of them before she died. It was probably one of the best things she did for the coven." Cordelia left out the part in which she was married to one of them, it was still hard to process that so much of her life had been a lie.

Elliott took notice that Cordelia didn't refer to her mother as "mom", but since Cordelia was talking about her Elliott didn't feel as uncomfortable bringing the subject up, "Yea Fiona sounds like a real piece of work." She chuckled.

"Yea she really was. She had her good moments, but she really was a piece of work." Cordelia laughed.

"So in the book it says that the supreme is randomly chosen in each generation of the coven, but she was the supreme and you are now, so how does that work?" Elliott asked carefully.

"I mean it is randomly chosen, we don't really know exactly how its chosen. But me getting it after my mother is definitely unusual, it's never happened before. I can't really explain it other than fate I guess." Cordelia explained. She really couldn't, there was no reason as to why she was chosen, it just was.

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