Chapter 1

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My story starts with a move. MY dad became a government official. My mom told me this is why I never saw him after the move. It was mid-march when we moved. This is where it all begins. I was sitting on the ground.
"It's going to be okay." I didn't respond to her. "This is a new start for us."
"Is it?"
"Yes...What happened there is in the past."
I grabbed a box of my things. I headed to my room. I got a flashback of seeing a figure in my doorway. Then the doorbell rang out. I opened the door to a girl holding a plate of cookies.
"Hi!"I said.
"Oh?"She responded.
"Excuse me?"
"Sorry, my mom told me an old couple was going to be living here."
"Ya nope."
"Cool, anyway, what's your name?"
"I'm Jane. What's yours?"
"I'm Lena!"
"Cool, Cool!"
"Well, here are the cookies, I guess."
She proceeded to hand me a plate.
"Nice to meet you."
She was gone.
"Well then."
I turned around to see my mom.
"Who was that?"She asked.
"Lena, I-I think she is our new neighbor."
"Yay! You are already making friends."
"She's not friendly."
I headed back upstairs to continue to unpack. After a while, my mom called me down.
"What do you want for lunch?"She asked.
"I don't know," I answered.
"You're helpful."
"Fine, Chinese!"
"Okay, Pizza."
"Now we had pizza last time."
"Let's get pasta!"
"I'll drive."
"I need hours."
"Okay fine."
I got upstairs and put on my brown boots. I grabbed my permit, and we headed out. We ordered and sat down. There was a boy who was by himself reading a book. My mom gave me a cup and ran to the bathroom. A boy put his book down and started to stare at me.
"Um, hi?"I said.
He came and sat in front of me.
"Sorry. You look familiar."He said.
"Weird, I just moved here."
"Oh cool, where from?"
"You lived outside the border."
"Cool...Why did you move inside the border?"
"My dad's work."
"Cool, I'm Travis, by the way."
"I'm jane."
"Well...welcome to Kardia."
"What's your number?"
"Um, why?"
"If you want anyone to show you around."
I pulled my phone out and unlocked it, and then hesitantly gave it to him.
"Cool, I'll see you around."He said.
He left as soon as my mom came back.
"Who was that?"My mom asked.
"His name is Travis," I responded.
"He's cute!"
"What? It's okay to be a normal teen girl, Jane."
"How long is it until the food is ready?"
"You're going to fall in love, J."
"Answer my question, NORA!"
"Fifteen minutes."
She grabbed my hands.
"I just want to be friends with him and if something comes out of it then cool."
Our food came and I continued to laugh to myself. I realized why my mom and I were always confused as sisters. The funny thing about that is I'm adopted. Anyway, we ate and then left the restaurant. I waved to Travis as we left. When we got into the car a text rang out.
It read. Before texting him back two more texts came on screen.
"It's Travis by the"
"Hi lol!" I responded.
We began to start texting and didn't stop until I got home.
"Awe!"My mom said.
"Shut Up!"I responded.
We headed inside the house. We continued to unpack. After a while, my mom headed to get dinner. I was listening to music when a figure showed up in the doorway.
"Hello, Grace!"The figure said.
I dropped the picture frame in my hands.
"A-Anthony?"I questioned.
"Why did you leave Grace?"
I slowly turned around as my body began to shake. I saw his fiery red hair with his piercing brown eyes. I fell onto my bed.
"This isn't real."
"Are you sure about that?"
Suddenly, Anthony flew towards me and put his hands around my neck. I uppercut his chin and then he disappeared. I fell to the ground attempting to catch my breath. I felt tears slowly streaming down my face. I quickly fished my phone out of my pocket. I quickly texted people on my phone. Travis soon showed up to my house to check on me. Once he got there I slowly opened the door.
Travis soon attacked me with a hug.
"It's okay, It's okay."He consoled me. "Where is your mom?"
"The store," I responded.
"Oh, okay!... I know what to do. Let's watch a movie."
We headed to the living room. Travis found a comedy. I ended up passing out on his shoulder. I woke up to me being tucked in on the couch. I rose to see my mom in the kitchen.
"Hi!" I said, whipping my face.
"How are you feeling?" My mom questioned.
"That was nice of him to do!"
I grabbed my phone to text him.
"Hey, thanks!" I text him.
"Anytime!" He answered.
"So I made dinner if you want some, but I also got ice cream if you want it." My mom explained.
"Um... What's for dinner?" I questioned.
"Hand it over!"
"What's the magic word?"
We ate dinner and watched movies.
"Are you ready for tomorrow?" My mom asked.
"Yeah, going to school for three months before school is out... I'm psyched," I answered sarcastically.
"Hey, have a better attitude; anyway, you'll have a computer to help you get caught up."
"Just give this place a chance!"
"Okay, I'll try!"
We both ended up passing out on the couch that night.

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