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Everyone changed into they're Clothes. Hongjoong fell  asleep on the couch as usual. Seongwha didn't want to wake up the poor baby so seongwha picked Hongjoong up and brought him to the car. Seongwha sat next to him and smiled. San and Wooyoung sat next to each other, Then Yunho and Mingi AND finally Yunho and Jongho. Wooyoung fell asleep on sans shoulder. Yeosang groaned and held Wooyoung's hand since yeosang was across from Wooyoung and San. San rolled his eyes and Snapped at Yeosang " Leave him alone!" Wooyoung woke up and looked at both of them. Yeosang pulled his hand away while San turned away. Wooyoung Sighed and Laid back in his seat. Hongjoong woke up and looked at Wooyoung. "You good Wooyoung?", Wooyoung nodded and Laid his head on the arm rest. San Looked at Wooyoung. Wooyoung Looked back with an confused look. San tapped his shoulder, Wooyoung smiled and Laid his head on his shoulder and went back to sleep. Yeosang sighed and played with his hand. Jongho looked at yeosang and Held his hand. "it's okay Hyung" was all what yeosang heard. Yeosang knew he loved Wooyoung like San does.. but Wooyoung likes San the same way. But for some reason When yeosang hears Jongho's voice it's really peaceful and Nice. Jongho was the only one who knew About Yeosangs crush on Wooyoung. Yeosang looked at Jongho and held his hand tightly. "Jongho I-"

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