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"KUN GET BACK HERE!!!", Hongjoong was chasing they're dog as usual. Seongwha was Running also to get kun. Yeosang whistled and knealed down. Kun automatically came and Attacked yeosang with licks. Hongjoong stared at Yeosang " you might as well marry my fucking child Yeosang." Yeosang smirked " indeed I shall marry Kun u-u'" San and Wooyoung was laughing at Hongjoongs reaction when Yeosang responded what such a answer. Mingi and Yunho was Holding hands while they were watching the chaos. Yeosang lifted up Kun. "will you marry me Kun u-u" Hongjoong screeched and Grabbed Kun. " my child is not getting married yet" yeosang Let out a soft giggle. " When can I marry your child."
Seongwha sighed " you can marry jongho." Yeosang just stood there. Jongho sat there and look another down blushing. yeosang laughed, " Okay okay tell Kun the wedding is off
Seongwha Laughed " if anything Yeosang Kun will probably get married to another dog before you ever get married.". Yeosang did a dramatic Gasp. " Omg really WANNA BET"
seongwha held out his hand. "BET"
Yeosang and seongwha shook hands. Jongho smirked a bit. Jongho stood up and held Yeosangs hand. "hey Hyung- wanna go on a date~~" yeosang Blushed a bright pink. Jongho laughed " Okay let's go" Jongho and Yeosang then left.

Hongjoong looked at Seongwha " Looks like you are gonna lose the bet."
Seongwha Sighed " Oh we don't know that Hongjoong." Hongjoong lifted a eye brow. " I'm pretty sure we do know, You do know that jongho and Yeosang been dating for a like a 5 months now rightt?" Seongwha just stood there. " THEY'VE BEEN DATING!?? WHY DIDNT THEY TELL ME SJJSHDEIBDISNSIJSISSI" Hongjoong just gave seongwha a wtf look. "Seongwha, They kept it a secret from us for a reason." Seongwha shook Hongjoong. " I NEED TO KNOW THE REASON THOUGHH!!! AGHH" Seonghwa ran to the area jongho and Yeosang was at. "ACK NO SEONGWHA LEAVE THE COUPLE ALONE!" Everyone ran after him even kun. Seongwha Then spotted them and Attacked them " WHY DID YOU KEEP YOUR RELATIONSHIP A SECRET BDJSJJDJSS" Hongjoong pulled seongwha away from them. Yeosang inhaled " we only kept it a secret because... we didn't know how you would react." seongwha Tilted his head. Yeosang Rolled his eyes " we didn't want the lecture you give about no sex in my house hold and shit like that. Like you did too Woosan and Yungi." Seongwha stood there " yeah but still SeRiouSlY!?" Yeosang Nodded.

A few hours past everyone was having a peaceful picnic under the stars at the park. They placed they're picnic area under the cherry tree. Yeosang laid down and let Kun lay on him. Jongho crossed his arms and pouted. " yeosang you never give me love like you do too kun." Yeosang Rolled his eyes and sat up and Pulled jongho to a kiss. Kun got off Yeosang and ran around his mom and dad. Wooyoung then took Kun away. " Awww puppy you're so cute" then Kun bit Wooyoung, Wooyoung let out a loud screech. San squared up to Kun, " Do yOu wanNa GO!' San got up and Chased Kun around. Mingi wrapped his arm around Yunho as yunho was sleeping on his chest. Hongjoong pointed at Yunho " Why does he always sleep?" Mingi glared at Hongjoong " I don't know why do you always work." Hongjoong felt offended. Mingi smirked and played with His Boyfriend's hair. Seongwha Laid On the tree " Do you guys know that there's gonna be fireworks~" Yunho automatically sat up. " really!?" Seongwha nodded " I told Someone to do fireworks so we can see! infact we got some sparklers." everyone got up with a huge smile. " Thank you.. we really are a family." Everyone got a sparkler and made a circle With it. Seongwha Lit his up and everyone elses started to light up And then boom the fire works came. Everyone ran around giggling and Looking at the beautiful fireworks.


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