Year 10 - Sophomore Year

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Holy shit.

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VERONICA DISLIKED THIS YEAR already and it hadn't started. Seeing Betty, Archie.. it was going to be too much and Veronica knew that she wasn't going to keep her mouth shut if she saw them first. New York had changed her, but it was for the better. Looking back at the years she spent in Riverdale, she was too trusting, too naive, too innocent. Too willing to let people into your inner circle, not knowing that they could break your world and let it come crashing down around you. New York had roughed her personality, and most importantly her. She prolonged the idea of friendship and it had cost her. She was moving back into this town, the town she wanted to fade away from her conscience.

But a rare smile graced her lips. She'd get to see Cheryl, Toni—she'd get to share her experiences from New York. But the smile had faded when she beheld the town sign. Riverdale, the town with secrets scattered in every corner you could think of.

Just drop off all the boxes in the Pembrooke and collapse in your bed.

That sounds like a great idea, Veronica thought wistfully.

"We're almost there Mija." Hermione's voice rang through her thoughts.

Thank god.


Damn it.

"We're stopping by Pops on the way so we can eat something before going to bed."

Veronica let out a sigh.

I guess this would've happened sooner or later.

"Then we have to unpack our boxes tomorrow morning?" She asked.

She could see her mom nod in answer.

This town was going to be the death of her. And Veronica was sure of it. Why else would she be back here? She could've stayed in New York with content in her heart, but she had to be brought back to the town of sorrows.

Veronica started to zone out her surroundings drowning in her music, and fell asleep in the car.



ARCHIE HAD PACED around his room. Veronica Lodge was actually going to be in town. His Veronica. Was she even his anymore? He didn't know, Archie and Veronica had left on bad terms and it didn't look like it would be better.

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