Year 10 - Sophomore Year (4)

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"DON'T MAKE IT so tight." Veronica complained as Cheryl tightened the cords.

"Alright, are you sure you're comfortable with this?

"Yeah, you saw what I wore to the winter formal. I think I'm comfortable in a corset."

"Alright, make them drop dead."

Veronica's answering smile was enough to make the ginger smile wider.

・ ◦ ・

SHE STRESSED over the bunny ears that were on top of her head. The more she fussed the more it looked wrong. "Just relax," Reggie's voice sounded behind her. "You'll do great."

Veronica snorted. "That's easy for you to say, you're in your natural habitat," she looked him up and down. "You're in a football costume while I'm stuck in a fucking corset and besides, you're not the one belting your lungs out."

Her outfit was modified so she didn't show a lot of skin. She negotiated with a red sparkling bodysuit along with a pair of paints and stuck the corset on top.

He let out a soft chuckle. "True, but the more you fuss over your appearance, the more you'll spiral into being uncomfortable."

She took a deep breath. And another. "Feeling calm yet?"

She nodded.

"Great," Reggie said. "Go blow them away."

・ ◦ ・

OPENING NIGHT had finally arrived and Veronica was pacing in her dressing room.

"You'll do great," Cheryl's voice said behind her.

"I know I will, I'm just afraid that I'm going to mess everything up, with how much complexity Regina George has in her voice. The amount of belting she has to do—"

"Veronica," Cheryl said like a command. "Stop overthinking, you will do amazing. I know you will. Now stop worrying and let's break a leg."

・ ◦ ・


"Wow, I didn't think this would be so hard for me," she says turning away as the instrumental started to play. "Just promise me that you won't break her heart like you did mine—"

"Wait what's happening?" Reggie asked.

Yes, I look perfect, she started the song strong. She twisted around and stared straight ahead.

Ice Queen, that's what you see

It's what they all expect from me

But it's all show, her deep voice drawled out.

Face it, you used me, she started to walk around the stage.

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