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Veronica balanced the glasses on her nose as she looked through the stack of orders that had come through. Her boutique had skyrocketed as soon as she graduated from college and she hadn't been free since. As much as she loved her job, she knew it was time to take a break.

So she settled the papers down on her desk, took off her glasses and finally got out of the house. She breathed in the early fall air as she passed by a coffee shop. The warmth and spices engulfing her senses, coffee it is then.

She ordered a cup of iced coffee and settled down onto one of the spare stools. Veronica supposed she could've brought one of her many novels she had bought in the years, but it had slipped from her mind and all she had was her wallet and phone.

Scrolling on her feed would have to for now. Veronica had grown out of touch with all of her high school friends and barely kept up with her college ones.

Her finger stopped on Betty Cooper's post. It was a picture of Jughead Jones kneeling down on one knee while betty was tearing up.

What an exciting five years it has been with you my love, now's the time to take the next step.


Had she been invited?

Veronica clicked off the app and scrolled through her emails, and there it was.

Hey Veronica,

I know we haven't been the closest of friends during high school but I'd be happy if you were able to attended our wedding in Spring. Let me know as soon as you can!

—Betty Cooper.

Sent a month ago, it'd be taking place in a eight of months. So she replied instantly, an idea bubbling in her mind.


I'd be absolutely delighted to attend your wedding, and if you don't mind me asking have you picked out your dress yet?

・ ◦ ・

     SO here she was, back in the town of Riverdale for a girl she hadn't known all that well. She wouldn't have dreamed of this day after everything that happened but she somehow stayed in touch with Betty Cooper (of all people) and not him. Veronica supposed it was for the best, she still couldn't get the look on his face when she had told him. The utter brokenness, she had broken him like glass. Veronica had cared for him, she was careful to not drop him, to not shatter it. But she had dropped him at the first nudge, and the pieces were scattered around her feet.

"I am so glad you decided to come back!" Cheryl said cheerfully.

"Well it was a hard choice on my part, but I really wanted to help anyway I can."

"I can't wait to see the dress you designed for Betty! Your designs are to die for."

・ ◦ ・

POPS. Why is it that pops is the source of all her problems?

The familiar bell rang through her ears and the salty sweet scent of fried food and milkshakes filled her nose. It was like coming home to a feast.

What made her stop dead in her tracks was the flash of orange hair.

Fu-fu-fuck. She immediately backed out of the diner, her back hitting the glass. The bell rattled at her sudden movement. It raised heads. It raised his head. She saw the name on his mouth and she immediately bolted.

・ ◦ ・

     VERONICA. What the hell was going on—she was invited to the wedding. He didn't expect Betty and her to be on good terms and it was shocking that she had taken the time to come here with her busy work schedules. He had seen the magazines of the "fresh new designer, Veronica Lodge" and expected that she'd be knee deep in commissions. But here she was. Still beautiful. Still striking. Still scared.

Scared of commitment and scared those who leave her behind. But Veronica had left him behind—had left them all behind. And he wasn't about to let her get away that easily.

"Veronica!" He said at her retreating figure, the one that ran faster in those heels

. How the hell did she not break her ankle?

He ran after her, knowing where she was going.

By the time he caught up to her, she was halfway towards the apartment complex. His hand encircled her wrist and turned her towards him leaving a few inches between them. She didn't fight.

She only looked up at him through her lashes.

So he breathed as they caught their breaths. "I know that this isn't ideal, but I miss having you around. And—" he struggled for words. Even at this age he was still so flustered around her.

"Let's start over," he said sticking out a hand, a smile on his face as he breathed heavily. "I'm Archie Andrews."

She took his hand, a smile of her own creeping onto her devious lips. "Veronica Lodge."

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