Year 11 - Junior Year

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TO SAY that Veronica's sophomore year was good, was an understatement. It was the best year she had ever had. She got into the vixens, she was one of the main leads in the musical—Archie and her reconciled. Kind of. She was her happiest last year, she wished she could've said that about this year.

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SHE COULD NEVER escape Betty Cooper. No matter how hard she tries, the damned blonde always found her.

"What do you want Cooper?" She was so accustomed to the blonde seeking her out, that she knew the weight of her footsteps. The way she smelled.

"Are you and Archie dating?"

She didn't just stop there, she continued piling on the questions.

"Are you two friends again? Do you even like each other?"

"No, kind of, no."

Cooper opened her mouth again, this time Veronica didn't hold back.

She twirled around to look at the girl, making her stop dead in her tracks. "Maybe I wasn't clear," Veronica started. "I don't give a damn about you or whatever you have to say. I don't care if you've changed, because guess what? You will always be the girl who told another twelve year old girl to slit her wrists all because of your damned petty crush that he will never reciprocate."

She slapped her. The blonde bimbo actually slapped her. "It's about time you grow a damned spine."

Veronica dropped all the pretense and punched the blonde in the face. Betty keeled over from the force of it and covered her face where Veronica hit her.

Veronica kneeled before the girl, and tilted her head in a predatory movement. "No matter how hard you try, Archie will never be interested in you," Veronica knew it was mean, but she couldn't sugarcoat anything. It had escalated this far that it needed to be done. "Now stop taking your anger out on me and be a woman. An actual grown woman who doesn't let anyone influence her decisions."

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"AN EVENTFUL MORNING?" Cheryl's amused voice said behind her as she stepped into the locker room.

"You should see her."

Cheryl pushed off the locker. "I did, and it was so satisfying to watch. She finally got what she deserved."

"You could say that."

"How good did it actually feel to finally punch her in the face?"

"Not as good as I hoped but it still felt satisfying."

Veronica knew her easy-going tone didn't fool the Blossom in front of her, but Cheryl didn't call her out on her bullshit. She instead said, "Just be careful, I bet Archie's going to have a word with you."

Veronica rolled her eyes. "If he's her keeper then he should've known where she was before I put my fist through her face."

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VERONICA PANTED as Cheryl called for a water break, that they all so very needed. She hadn't expected to be this winded so easily, but then again she hadn't done something this physical since the Spring Musical. She took a sip of her water when Cheryl's condescending voice echoed through out the gymnasium.

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