Year 10 - Sophomore Year (3)

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"CONGRATULATIONS, welcome to the vixens," Cheryl said, a genuine smile plastered on her face.

"It all just feels surreal, I didn't expect to get onto the team."

"If this feels surreal, wait until the musical season starts, they go crazy for it."

Veronica's eyes glittered with excitement, another smile tugged at the corner of Cheryl's mouth. Cheryl hadn't seen Veronica this happy when she first left this town. "You haven't changed one bit, Veronica Lodge."

"We should catch up sometime after I deal with that blonde she-devil."

Cheryl laughed. "Good luck. She and Archie are practically connected at the hip."

Veronica wrinkled her nose, in disgust or distaste Cheryl couldn't tell. But the disdain that had settled into her features was undeniable.

"Did you see the look she gave you when you walked in?" Cheryl asked.

She shook her head. Why would she have sought out the blonde if she wanted nothing to do with her? Cheryl seemed to know what she was thinking and carried on talking. "She looks exactly like you did moments ago."

"She was there?" She said making her way to her bag. Veronica slung it over her shoulder and walked to the exit of the gym, Cheryl following in her stead.

Veronica didn't have to look over at the ginger to know that she nodded. It just showed Veronica knew her tells all too well as does Cheryl. "She looked more scared than disgusted but it was written on her face nonetheless."

"Who cares about what the blonde bimbo thinks? She can look at me however she likes but it isn't going to get rid of me. Not this time."

・ ◦ ・


VERONICA DIDN'T CARE about why the damn blonde disliked her so much. She'd be lying if it didn't get under her skin but Cooper only disliked her because of how close she and Archie were before everything went to shit. It was like Cooper saw her as a threat. She laughed at thought, Betty Cooper could have him.

Veronica Lodge wanted nothing from the ginger judas. He was another one of those assholes that don't know what they did wrong. He was the literal definition of a douchebag.

Veronica wanted to bang her head against her desk, how had they ever been friends? How had she even—she erased the thought from her mind. There were things even she couldn't outrun, but it didn't stop her before.

"Veronica," a high pitched voice said behind her and Veronica's joints locked.

Shit. Shit, shit, shit, shit. Of all the people to talk to her this morning, it had to be the damned blonde. "Cooper," she managed in an equally sweet tone.

"Have you talked to Archie lately?" Was that jealousy in her tone?

Veronica scoffed audibly. "He isn't my favorite ginger. So no."

Then the blonde cornered her by pushing her up against the lockers and said, "I'd warn you to stay away from him but your relationship is broken beyond repair, so I won't waste my breath telling you so."

Veronica laughed. She actually laughed in front of Cooper and she enjoyed it. "So why are you wasting your breath now?"

Betty huffed out a laugh. If she had thought Lodge was difficult before she certainly thought so now. "Watch your back, Lodge."

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