Year 12 - Senior Year

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     VERONICA LODGE didn't know what to do with herself. This was the last year of High School and it didn't feel special at all. Though Archie Andrews took a liking to her, it felt a bit stale. There was something missing, but she didn't have to tell him. They weren't dating. It just didn't work. They were too comfortable being the people they created, they were scared to even try to be the couple they wanted to be. So she left it alone in the dark to collect dust, like a book that wasn't worth reading. If he had a problem with it, he certainly didn't voice it. Everything was off this year, and she wanted to know why.

・ ◦ ・

     BETTY COOPER'S presence wasn't something Veronica was shocked to, but the manner of the conversation was.

"Have you noticed that something is off with Archie?"

She hadn't expected that question. No, she hadn't expected it at all. "How should I know?"

"You're his unofficial girlfriend."

"You're talking to the wrong person."

"And who should I talk to?"

Veronica laughed. She actually laughed. "Didn't you want that spot?"

"Not anymore."

Anymore. "You and Jones?" Veronica guessed.

"You always know everything, Lodge."

"It's my job to." And oddly enough, Veronica found herself smiling. One that was happy and not snarky at all. "Why are you asking about Archie?"

"He's lately."

"How so?"

"He's doesn't smile, and he's—"

"Quiet?" Veronica guessed.

The blonde nodded.

"Give him time, I'm sure he'll be—"

"He isn't going to be fine, this has been happening the whole summer."

"And I'm supposed to do something about it?" Some of the forgotten bitterness crept into her voice.

"No, but it's clear he loves you."

Veronica felt weird about the word love, and without meaning to, she snapped. "Don't say that ever again."

・ ◦ ・


     "WHAT is going on with you?" Were the first words out of Cheryl Blossom's mouth.

"What are you on about?"

"You are acting weird and very secretive, is it Archie?"

"Not everything in my life revolves around your cousin, Cheryl." She snapped

. Why does everybody think that?

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