Year 6

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IT WAS THE BEGINNING of the school year, the first day of middle school, the most nerve racking day. Ever. Elementary was different, you didn't walk through the halls with a bunch of strangers. You didn't have classes every forty-five minutes with different teachers. It was very daunting being in a school that you didn't know anything about at the ripe age of eleven. But you just learn to adjust and find your own way through the new settings. Beady eyes raked over the lockers flush against the walls,along with ten classrooms in each hallway.

Overwhelming indeed.

Everything has changed, this is the time where you build your confidence or remain the same person you are. Usually the latter, you want to be likable and still hold your true nature. The unwritten rules of middle school. Don't be naive, that's the first step. Don't be willing to trust everyone you talk to, that's the second. Mind your business, that's the third, follow the steps and you'll survive. Don't? Pity you have to find out the hard way. That's what she heard, they were all important rules but she'd follow them when the time came. Walk down the halls, look over at your fellow classmates, they'll be with you your entire school career whether you like it or not they're stuck with you. Some will stick with you others you'll forget.

She timidly walked down the halls her hand clutching on her straps tightly as if someone was going to pull it off her back. Her eyes frantically scanning the halls, she was terrified. This was new territory but she continued on walking scanning the walls for her homeroom number. But to no avail she didn't find it in this hallway so she turned the corner and scanned the new hallway. Not bothering to take in the ginger haired boy she was about to collide with. It was too late for her to stop when she felt her chest crashing against his backside, she recoiled from the sudden contact only to fall on her back. Her cheeks flushed as she felt everyone's eyes lock onto her. The boy turned around confused at the sudden collision before setting his eyes onto hers. His hair was dull orange, moving with fluidity as he turned around and faced her.

"Are you alright?" He asked, offering a hand and a kind smile. He was cute, she thought and immediately blushed red at her own thoughts.

She took his hand pulling herself up feeling a tingling sensation and she answered, "I think so," she said softly chuckling.

He laughed along with her his eyes full of life, "you had quite the fall." He stated. "Did you find your homeroom?" He asked curiously, still clutching onto her hand, softly.

"No," she said nervously rubbing her arm, pulling her hand out of his grasp. "I don't think it's in this hall anyway." Looking everywhere except for the charming boy in front of her.

"I should get going." She added abruptly, and as she made to move past him. He spoke once again.

"Of course, will I be seeing you later?" He asked staring after her, she turned and looked at him a mischievous glint in her eyes.


I don't think you will." Amusement evident in her tone, and carried on walking the hall.

He chuckled and continued walking down the hall, she was interesting.

・ ◦ ・

HE WAS CHARMING, and it wasn't something she said to most people. She found her homeroom after navigating the labyrinth of the halls. She walked through the door and felt nervous all of a sudden, her eyes gravitated towards the teacher. This must be Ms.Langford, she thought she looked pretty young but was she to judge? The teacher looked up from her laptop and gave her a comforting smile. "Come in, don't be shy." She begrudgingly took a step further into the classroom. "What's your name, dear?"

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