19. Dragon Dealer

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it was hot
not a cloud
in the sky


"Does this castle not have air conditioning," Viktorija exasperated.

"It's centuries old," Perry said. "No, it does not have air conditioning."

"Well, I'll blame that for the reason I failed my exam," Viktorija said nodding.

"You do that, Tori," Perry said fanning herself vigorously.

Perry and Viktorija had just finished their last exam. In fact, all of the first years had now successfully made it through their first exams at Hogwarts. Whether they passed or failed was another story.

Perry had written well constructed essays for each of her written exams. She was positive she had gotten almost every one of the answers correct, if not all. Viktorija had said that her sweat was dripping too much on the paper and she couldn't write the essays. The professors did not take that excuse too well.

Perry knew she passed all of the practical exams with flying colors. She had been practicing the charms, spells, and potions that could possibly be on the test with Hermione and Cedric from after Christmas Holiday. Viktorija on the other hand had learned what a snuffbox is during one of her exams.

For Perry's transfiguration exam she successfully turned a mouse into a beautiful snuffbox decorated in Professor McGonagall's favorite colors. For charms she was the first and fastest of all first years to make a pineapple tap dance across the room. She even gave him little arms and conjured him a little cane.

Her scar was in pain during her Potion's exam but she battled through. Snape was practically breathing down the students necks as they mixed the ingredients to a Forgetfulness Potion. None of the students could decide if it was lucky or not that Snape tested the Potions on those who failed to produce a functioning vial of the potion. Poor Neville failed miserably and was the subject of Perry's potion. Nobody could determine if he was lucky or unlucky to forget he failed his exam.

Viktorija too passed the Potion exam. She was very happy she got to test it on Seamus Finnegan who had blown up her station earlier in the year. She stepped on his foot as payback for destroying her favorite beanie and then gave him the potion to drink.

Currently, everyone around them were cheering that the History of Magic exam was over. Perry was very happy this exam was over. She couldn't have been less interested in their topic this year. She was very excited to learn about all the Wizarding Wars next year.

Viktorija wasn't one to get overly excited so she stayed sitting down. Truth is, Perry was too tired to cheer. Her nightmares had gotten worse. A cloaked figure dripping blood had now appeared as a main character in her dreamworld. Her scar had also been hurting ever since Harry and her left the forest that night.

She always covered her scar with her hair; she was used to it. Though now she was always making sure it was covered for a different reason. She wasn't sure if it'd have scratch marks from her trying to desperately make the pain go away, and if it did she didn't want anyone to see. She never wanted anyone to see anyways, all it did was make people pity her or look to her as a hero.

Perry looked to the left and saw Harry was already looking at her. He had a huge grin on his face as he jumped up and down with everyone else.

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