23. Escape From the Dursley's

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and looked up
and then she


Boy and girl wonder had never wanted a summer to end so much in their lives. Summer used to be their only time of freedom, tranquility, and productivity, and they cherished it then. Now, summer was a burden that cursed them to live with the family know as the Dursley's.

This summer did not live up to either Perry nor Harry's expectations. They had planned to unleash hell upon the Dursley family. Instead, they were treated like bombs, and all their belongings were locked away in the cupboard under the stairs. Perry had only kept her drawing supplies (lying that none of it was magic, mind you) because she promised that it would keep her busy and out of their way.

Perry and Harry had matured more this summer, Perry more than Harry. After certain circumstances occurred, Perry had to have the most uncomfortable conversation about what it means to be a woman with Mrs. Petunia. That resulted in a spontaneous "girls trip" to London.

Harry sat on the small bed they took turns sleeping in each night. Hedwig was dying to fly around, something she hadn't been able to do all summer long. Harry stroked her feathers to try and calm her as Perry moved over to sit on the bed. She crawled over to the headboard and sat so her back leaned up against it. She stretched her legs out on top of Harry's with a playful smile.

"Really?" he whispered.

"Yep," she said with a smile.

The quill moved back and forth in her hand as delicately as flapping butterfly wings. Harry watched the girl as she made her own type of magic. It wasn't that either of them had imagined having a different birthday. Every birthday they were ignored and forgotten, but never were they condemned to their room and forced to stay silent. If it weren't for Dudley, Vernon and Petunia wouldn't have even realized that the day was special to them. Mr. Vernon had some sort of important deal going on currently, and so their birthday was left as ignored as they were.

A loud POP caused Harry to jump off the bed and Perry to draw a line across the parchment. A small creature popped down on top of the bed between where Harry was once sitting and where Perry was sitting.

Perry stood up on the bed and backed away. She chaotically jumped over the creature and ran to Harry. Perry put her head into Harry's chest to keep herself from screaming. Slowly she turned her head to see the creature with large bat-like ears and round green eyes.

The creature bounced off of the bed and bent over into a bow. It's long nose almost touched the carpet and the filthy bag it wore tossed at its sides.

"Persephone and Harry Potter!" the creature squeaked, "So long has Dobby wanted to meet you... such an honor it is..."


"Im locking you up!" Mr. Vernon belted. "You're never going back to that wretched school! You're never going to do magic again!

"That's not fair!" Perry shouted. "You're not listening to us! We didn't do it!"

"You won't leave this room for days!" Mr. Vernon screamed, not listening. "You won't eat for days!"

"So not much has changed!" Perry screamed back at him.

"Oh, you— girl," he growled, red in the face. "The second I can get rid of you I will!"

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