The Year Package (Feedback)

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Comments: 1. The book definitely caught my attention being that I've never read anything that combined an escort service featuring a human serving supernatural clients. I thought this was very clever and both the title and descriptions were clear in what the book was going to be about.

2. The book was very well written and definitely met my expectations with regard to grammar and writing style!

3. The plot was very interesting and something I had never read before. I was excited to read the next chapter once I was finished with one.

4. The characters both from the human and supernatural spectrum were very compelling and very believable. I enjoyed reading their internal dialogue very much. I find myself writing that way also from each character's perspective so that's just a personal preference for me. Very well done!

5. The pacing was spot on. You gave just enough to keep the story flowing without over doing it.

6. You definitely have a strength in setting the scene for your readers. I loved how descriptive you were, down to even describing Dominic's dimples when we are first introduced to him. You show a scene without telling which is so important in writing. I could feel what was happening and did not have to make up anything in my head. It was all there for me to enjoy!

7. I loved your writing style. Keep doing what you are doing with those dialogues and details :)

8. I would most definitely read more of your work!



Comments: Despite the many grammar mistakes in this I could still easily understand the storyline. However, how the characters feel for each other and who they are, are both a little fuzzy. We do get introduced to some characters in this but when things happen to them we don't really know how they feel about it or what they want to do next. Even when two of them meet, it's literally like they just stare at each other. 

 So my recommendation would be to focus more on how characters make each other feel. And be a lot more descriptive on what is happening and what they want to happen, other then just the blankly stares from across the room.



Comments: This was an interesting twist of what kind of seemed like a modern twist of beauty and the beast. At least that's how it appeared to me. Dominic is a multi-billionaire vampire who hires a hooker from a mythological brothel, basically. It is one of those possessive relationships, where the guy want to own the female.

I was surprised, honestly that Mae was a human. I figured she'd be at least a witch. It seems like kind of a dangerous situation to have a human to do. She could be easily killed.

I did read every chapter in this story and enjoyed it. The chapters seemed very short, and a few of them lagged a bit. I get that the IRS/FBI investigation is important to the plot, but I did struggle thought those chapters, just not quite as gripping as some of the others. I am curious though. If mythological creatures exist, are they suspecting that they are mythological or is this a mortal view. I just can't imagine in a world where all this is real that a mythological agency doesn't swoop in and take it completely over to hide their world.

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