Dancing With You (Feedback)

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Comments: I read every chapter of the story and found it very easy to do so. It was an enjoyable story. The plot was gripping and well-paced. I know it was a short story and short stories tend to have a quicker pace. I think with Dance with You it was a fast pace, but it still works.

I don't know that I can say that I relate to the characters, not that I didn't enjoy the story very much. But it's hard to believe that two people are going to fall so head over heels over each other over a short amount of time. Especially Sunny. To end a three-year relationship over a man she just met isn't realistic. But, it still works and is still enjoyable. She clearly wasn't happy and needed a jolt from Jared to realize. 

For a short story, I think the pacing was perfect and doesn't need to change in my opinion. Everything was described well, and nothing lagged. The only part that caught me off guard was when Glen showed up to the dance hall on Thanksgiving. There was a part where Jared pulls sunny off to the side. I'm guessing she went back up to the room, but I must have missed it. My head was in a bit of a whirlwind during that. I couldn't figure out where she was, lol. So that little bit where she's heading back into room 3 could be slowed down a touch just to clarify. Maybe even take us through her emotions during the walk back to the room. 

Besides a few typos, the writing was smooth and well done. Overall, again, I really enjoyed the story. I would absolutely ready every story in this author's collection, and even recommend it to others. 



Comments: I read only six chapters and I became hook into the story. The character Sunny is someone who wants to be happy and loved at the same time. But her fiance Glen isn't too supportive with Sunny's decision to take dance lessons for their wedding. Especially when the dance instructor Jared is very attractive and an exotic dancer. The plot is so understanding and well balanced that it makes you want to side with the person who's more caring and loving and feel sad and disappointed with the other character who's only thinking about himself or herself. Hopefully Sunny chooses Jared because Glen is rather immature and very conservative.



Comments: Dancing With You was really good so far. After reading five chapters, I was hooked. Well after the first chapter I was hooked, but my point is: This was a good story so far. The writing was clean and flowed nicely. The characters were realistic and believable. Sunny has her work cut out for her. Dealing with a uptight religious fiance while a hottie of a man seduces her is a nice plot. I say seduce because it seems like he is seducing her on the sly. You can't tell me he doesn't know what he is doing to her. Anyway, I feel like Sunny has a wild side which Jared can easily bring out. The sexually energy between them was spicy. I'm loving it. From these few chapters I can see that the sex scenes with be steamy. I feel like Glen has her suppressing a part of herself because both Glen and Sunny want different things in their relationship. I feel like he is holding Sunny back which just doesn't work on a relationship especially when another guy comes around and brings out that suppressed side. Overall I would read this more of this story. It has the right amount of drama and steaminess.



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