You Have Me

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Ria stalkes towards the other female sitting on the bed with a grin. She had planned on surprising the female so she was tiptoeing towards Lazari as silent as possible. But before she could as much as reach her for a meter of distance, the shorter female spoke. "Love, what are you doing?" She turned around, looking at Ria like she knew what the blonde was planning all along. Dissapointed, the blonde jumped on the bed and covered her whole being with a blanket.

Lazari continued to stare at the blonde before she pulled the blanket off Ria until she can see her face again. "Is there something you need, love?"

"I just want to be with you of course!"

Lazari didn't believe her. She knew when her partner wants something from her, and this is one of those times.

Ria frowned, almost like a pout and admitted. "...You're so busy these days... You know, you should take a break from your work every now and then..." She looked at Lazari's loptop which showed it's window filled with different documents about...whatever Lazari was studying and working about. "The only thing you do now after working is drinking your daily dose of alcohol- and may I remind you, stop drinking so much- and going straight to sleep. Sometimes you can't even sleep."

Lazari shook her head, a small smile appearing on her face. "Love... I'm doing this for us. You should just lie down and do what you always do, you should be the one who is not straining herself, okay? I'm doing this so we could have a better future. A better tomorrow with no worries."

Ria glared at Lazari, throwing the blanket off her. "For us? So we won't have any worries? You are making me worry right now! Don't you remember how you collapsed just last week? How do you expect me to be all comfortable when the love of my life is stressing herself out while I'm here, being told to just sit still and do nothing!"

Ria took a deep breath, "I'm sorry, I'm emotionally distraught right now. But please... Don't do anything by yourself... Seeing you do all of this, not knowing weither you'll be fine or not, if you're in need of company or not since you lock yourself in this room, working yourself to your limit while I- do you know how useless I feel...?"

Lazari looked at Ria with a complicated gaze, she herself was distraught right now. Was this how she really felt all this time? Really, she really just thought that if she did everything she could to give Ria a good life full of comfort and wealth that she won't have to burden herself to take a job that will give her stress. But looking at herself... Isn't she doing what she doesn't want Ria to do? Looking at her lover that looked like an abandoned puppy, she held out her hand and smiled helplessly at her. "Come here."

Ria slowly went over Lazari, silent as she was feeling quite embarrased at her outburst earlier, and hugged Lazari tightly. Coincidentally, she saw her lover's laptop and felt her mind getting jumbled by the advanced studies Lazari was taking. "I'm... going to confiscate not only your alcohol but also your laptop, dear..."

Lazari couldn't help laughing at her cute and taller lover. No matter how taller she is though, she will still be a lot more lovelier and cuter than any other being on the planet.

"Haha... I will continue to do my studies, Ria."

A cold and hard gaze was directed at her direction.

"But I promise I won't be doing as much advanced studies and just do the necessary things I need to pass on school okay?"

'Then she'll still be working.' The blonde thought to herself. But she guessed this was better than Lazari overworking herself again. Remembering another promise, she pulled away from the warm hug they shared and walked towards the cabinet. She opened a drawer and started reaching for something.

"Love, what are you doing?"

Ria gave Lazari a lovely smile that can go against the rays of sunshine and pulled all of Lazari's canned beer, carrying them on her hands and as much as she can, (gosh, how many did her darling bought?) and left the room, targetting the fridge next.

Lazari continued to sit there in silence until she immediately stood up and almost tripped on a chair.

"Sh*t, my wine collection!"

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