Where Are You (Now)

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Lazari smiled. Today, she was very proud of herself. She told her parents finally that she was in love with Ria. It took a lot of her confidence to even say Ria's name in front of her parents but she was able to tell them.

Speaking of, she almost scrambled towards her phone when she heard a notification and a text message from Ria.

She almost squealed and unlocked her phone, delighted and typed away like lightning, telling her love that she finally did it. She basked in the praises that Ria sends her way. She was filled with happiness that she had never been before. She really loves Ria.

She really do.


The past few days, she was not able to meet Ria due to the certain circumstances of the city, the country, better yet, the whole world. But she was satisfied with the texts and messages she received from Ria. Just a single word was able to make happiness emate from her. Their interactions were always cut short and Lazari understands that Ria is busy.

But she was sure worried. Ria was constantly working? In this situation? She heard through one of their calls that Ria's voice seems hoarse. But after that, Ria never called her again and seemed to always reject calling with her. So Lazari had to be content with their interactions in texts.

The 'I Love You's and jokes makes Lazari cackle, causing her brother to look at her like she was some kind of an alien which she ignored and continued on to her day, basking in her gay self with her love.

Lazari was never one to force anyone to talk when they don't want to. But when Ria called her again, she noticed that her voice seems a little weak and her replies to her were short. She asked her directly what was wrong but Ria seemed to have something to do and apologized before hanging up on the call. She never get the feeling that Ria wanted to tell her something.


Lazari watched the news, frowning at the number of deaths that occured very recently. She remembers the way Ria's voice sounded hoarse but stopped her thoughts from traveling deeper into something horrifying that will lead her unable to sleep for weeks.

Her worries were wiped away when she picked up her phone and sent Ria a good morning.


Ria did not reply for a week.

Lazari was naturally worried. Did something happen to her? Did her sickness worsen? She heard she had a light cold the last time they talked. Maybe it was serious and she needed time to recover.

Having this thoughts, she decided not to bother Ria too much in case she might be bothering her.


It had been two weeks. At this point, Lazari began feeling insecure, she had been sleeping less once again and the thoughts of Ria getting tired of her haunted her till no end. Did she say something wrong? Did she do something wrong? Was she not enough? Did she dissapoint Ria?

She skimed through her conversations with Ria. It comforted her but the thoughts that purged her mind was still there, refusing to leave her alone.


Then she felt annoyed. Maybe Ria was playing with her? She left a few words of threat on her message for Ria to answer her or there will be consequences. Although she thought of this, she simoly cannot get rid of the pang in her heart that had been attacking her frequently the last few days.


A month and still none. She was getting worse as time passed by without news from Ria. Ria was the one who usually makes her fall asleep and be comforted by sweet dreams. But now, she has insomnia, nightmares and she knew her mental state was slowly falling apart. Those around her of course noticed that too. Her mother was not amused by this, so is her father.

She met her psychiatrist and the more she heard of her situation, the more she becomes detached. She was desperate. She wanted to know a lot of things. She wanted comfort. She just wanted Ria back.


Everything she had thought came rushing to her. Ria may be tired of her and has somebody else. Or something might happened to her. She was trying to get herself together because she knew Ria doesn't like her being like this. But for some reason, there were times. Just a few, she swears, that she doesn't care anymore and wanted to stop her pain herself.


Today, she lost something precious for her. Not only to her but also to her family. She wanted someone to talk to. Of course her first option will be Ria. When she contacted her, there was still this hope deep inside her. Please answer me.

But again, as it had always been the past few... times, she already forgot how long, there was no answer.


Bea was looking at Lazari with an unamused face in their video call. She was not able to contact her for a long time now and the news she heard did not make her feel happy at their reunion at all.

"WHAT?! you want to what?! don't you say that young woman!"

She screamed at Lazari through the screen on their native language. She kept on nagging. What was her friend thinking?! She knew it was painful to wait for a loved for a very long time but she also know of Lazari's state even before Ria and her got together. Ria had healed her but now her medicine was missing.

As soon as she finished her nagging, she paused and looked at Lazari who had calmly, as suspiciously calm as she can, told Bea that she wanted to be the one telling her of her feelings this time.

Bea agreed. And she listened. Shw listened Lazari scream back at her, threatening her and she listened as she watched Lazari's tears fall from her eyes. She listened. Like how a friend should be.


Bea sighed and looked at her phone. The video call had already ended but she was paralyzed on her spot. She didn't know how much Lazari had suffered but she was very aware how it affected her friend. She skimmed through her messages with Ria and found that there was also no reply from her for a long time.

She spammed her nonstop. Countless of messages she knew will make Ria run a marathon and feel guilty about after reading.

Ria was never someone who will make Lazari fret and be anxious for her. There was always a reason she can't stop from happening if she will be separated from Lazari. But this... Bea was not hoing to lie but her gut had been telling her a very bad premonition but she ignored it. She believed Ria will return.

She didn't count how many messages she had sent but she made sure this was her last message.

'Please reply as soon as possible, she needs you.'


A girl, sitting on a chair with her legs crossed, plays a game on her phone. Then, she heard a ring for a notification.

This caused her to sigh.

She looked at the phone, not hers but one on a table side being charged. On the screen of the phone, there was countless of missed calls and unread messages from countless acquaintances.


She said under her breath when she saw the upermost notification. With the nickname of 'My Love'

"Idiots both of you."

She clenched her hand and prevented her tears from falling when she looked at the bed where there is an unconscious person with bandages was sleeping.

"Idiots. Quickly..."

She ruffled her head and sighed once again.

"Wake up Ria, you fool..."

The sound of the heart monitor notifies her that her friend's heartbeat was still steady and going. But there was always this worry that one day it will stop.

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