Theater Act

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Lazari doesn't want to do it. Sure, she liked acting since she was little and dreamt to be on stage for a very long time but...

She looked at a girl, the leading actress of the act. She had great acting skills, really. It amazed even her after her great performance last time.

This time, the act was about romance. And there was LGBTQ theme mixed on it. Beside the leading actress was a guy playing as the love interest.

And Lazari, was standing there herself. As the character who has a crush on the female lead character. That was fine for her to act herself although she'll feel a little bitter as her affection is only for one person. Only she was deserving of her love but...

She had to kiss the female lead.

Lazari felt hearself sweating. Cold sweat. So cold.

As soon as she heard that, she immediately refused, "No. I have a girlfriend already!"

She kept telling them. Even before this theater act, even before. But no one really believed her. Why?

Lazari felt annoyed and pissed. Then she felt dread. She wanted to tell someone... She wanted to tell Ria. But she was afraid of what her reaction will be...

They had just finished practising a scene when Lazari caught on a figure entering the studio and oh how she was grateful to have someone to talk to about her problem.


Said person turned to look at her and as soon as she saw who was calling her, she beemed and ran towards Lazari.

"Ey, grandmom!"

Lazari still hated her everytime she calls her that though.

"Come with me."

She pulled Bea outside and sighed, finally letting out a breath she didn't know she was keeping.

Bea was quite confused and it all clicked to her mind.

"Do you need help with something?"

"Yeah, can I talk to you about something?"

Lazari looked pale, and annoyed, and terrible but mostly, annoyed.

Bea nodded and as Lazari told her about said problem...

"Then don't kiss her. Tell them you don't want to. Just some innocent attraction and no kissing-"

"I told them. I even told them I have a girlfriend now, but still. They won't just believe me!"

Bea thought for a moment.

"Do you like acting so much?"

She got a nod.

"And wanted to be in this act for so long?"

Another nod.

"But you don't want to kiss the female lead."

And again, a nod.

"Then just quit."

Lazari almost nodded to fast before an expression of frustration on her face and looked like she was contemplating.

"Have you told Grandma Ria about this?"

Lazari stiffened, almost feeling guilty. She felt like she was cheating on her beloved girlfriend.

"Not yet..."

Bea looked at her with a deadpanned look.

"Then tell her."

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