[11] talk it out

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The last day before break felt like an eternity. If eating breakfast with his family for the first time in years wasn't weird enough, having William just made it that much weirder.

Now, though, it was the end of the last period. Felicia had been talking to Blaire the entire class, the two of them exchanging quiet whispers every time the teacher wasn't looking. Dylan was happy that Felicia had found a friend, he was, but he was bored out of his mind. 

Just as the bell finally rung at three-thirty, his phone buzzed when it lay in his pocket. He packed up his geography books and then got his phone out, moving with the other students toward the exit. 

'Having a party next Friday. Bring the soccer team and Felicia if you want. -Chris'

He stared at the phone for a while, probably blocking some of the other students from passing him in the hallway. 

"Who are you texting with a smile like that?" Felicia came up next to him, startling him a bit. He put the phone away, quickly wiping any trace of a smile off his face. He hadn't noticed it himself, though, and wondered what that was about. The two of them started walking toward the lockers.

"It was nothing." Dylan defended, trying his best to hide the excitement in his voice. "You have a ride, right? I have practice." 

"Yeah, I have a ride." 

"Are you taking the bus?" 

"No, Blaire is driving me." 

Oh, Dylan thought while opening his locker and placing the books he held inside. 

"I'm meeting with the girl tomorrow," Felicia mumbled, getting her things from her own locker. "Her name is Madison, and we're supposed to meet up at Lava." 

Dylan turned to look at his friend, having gotten his duffel out and closed his locker. "Are you okay? You know you don't have to meet with her." 

"I know, but I want to." She, too, closed her locker. "I'm good." 

"Hey!" Blaire turned up out of nowhere and Felicia's face split into a huge grin. "How was your day?" 

"It was good, thank you again for driving me," Felicia replied, shooting a playful glare to Dylan.

"I'm sorry," Dylan exclaimed, "I have practice!" 

"I know, Dyl, I'm just kidding." His friend laughed. 

"Alright, well, I'll see ya," Dylan said, turning left toward the gym while the two girls continued straight, toward the exit.

"Bye Dylan!" Blaire smiled, Felicia also hurrying a quick goodbye.


The practice was, even in the chilly October air, sweaty and Dylan sighed in relief when Coach Jones blew his whistle. 

"So, what are you guys doing over break?" Shawn asked when all of them once they had gathered by the lockers.

"I'm going with my parents to New York to visit some relatives," Cole sighed.

Dylan smiled sympathetically. "Oh, did I say that we're invited to a party next Friday?" 

The group looked at him, all of their gazes quizzical. 

"I take it I haven't. Okay, well, the football team is having a costume party and you're all invited," Dylan explained.

"Who do you know well enough to get invited to a football party?" Landon frowned.

"Well, I partner with Chris in history so-" 

 "Chris Davis?" 

"Wow, that guy's got status, good on you Dyl," Shawn praised, chuckling lightly.

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