The Undefined House - Full Chapter #1

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"Yixing, what are you doing?"

"Trying to curl my hair." He said as he completely missed a chunk of his hair. His stylist had the week off and he was struggling. Instead of trying to find someone else, he decides to FaceTime me for help.

"Do you know what your hair reminds me of?" I said as a stupid grin appeared on my face.


"When you were a backup dancer for SHINee." He gave me a slight glare before looking in the mirror.

" He gave me a slight glare before looking in the mirror

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"You're not wrong." He said as I laughed. "You need to fly out here and curl my hair."

"You know I would but Undefined has rehearsal tonight. We're trying to perfect everything."

"I can't believe that you're going to debut again. I feel like a proud parent." Yixing wiped an invisible tear from his eye. I shook my head when my room door opened.

"Hey! Are you ready to go?" Saira asked as she looked at me then suddenly looked at the screen. "What is he doing now?"

"I'm trying to curl my hair."

"His struggle is real. I'll call you after rehearsal my love."

"Okay. I love you Sky."

"I love you more Yix!" We blew a kiss to each other before we hung up.

"You two are so cute! My heart can't take it." Saira said as we walked out of our room. If you were wondering, all the members of Undefined lives in my house now. I told the company that my house was big enough for everyone to live with me, and they were actually okay with it. I think the only problem is the roommate arrangements. 

SM decided to assign us roommates by which sub-unit we are in, which was a big mistake. Here's how the rooms were assigned:

Room #1 - Miranda: Zara, Eliza, and Taylor

Room #2 - Sirius: Ari and Hailey

Room #3 - Cassiopeia: Jaylen, Ciriaca, Nesaie, and Yeri

Room #4 - M87: Aurora, Leah, and Tetelo

Room #5 - Leaders: Me and Saira

Everyone has come to Saira and I about changing roommates. So our first house meeting is room arrangement and our first practice for our debut.

"Okay losers! House meeting, right now!" Saira yelled as we stood at the bottom of the stairs.

"And bring your practice clothes so that we can leave right after!" I added as we heard doors open and close.

"I was almost done with my makeup though!" Ciriaca groaned as she came downstairs with Jaylen, Nesaie and Yeri.

"You take too long with your makeup. The rest of us don't eve have any on!" Jaylen said as Nesaie agreed.

"I was in the middle of watching Saiki." 

"You can finish Saiki later Eliza." I said as she pouted. "Taylor, put the cake down."

"What did cake ever do to you?" She asked as she took two slices of cake to the kitchen. Zara sat down on the couch next to Nesaie.

"M87! Get your behinds down here!" I yelled out.

"We're coming!" Tetelo yelled out. 

"Can you all stop yelling?" Aurora asked.

"Sorry sweetheart. We'll try to tone it down." Saira said softly as the younger smiled. Leah came downstairs with her music blasting through her earphones. I motioned for her to take them out so that the meeting could start.

"Okay. Our first house meeting is about our current roommates. Because everyone has been complaining about their said roommate, we will give everyone the opportunity to pick a new roommate." I said as everyone looked around.

"I already know who I want." Zara said as Nesaie grinned.

"We already know that you and Nesaie want to be roommates." Saira said as the girls cheered. "Anyone else?"

"I want Taylor!" Ciriaca said.

"No fair! I want Taylor!" Tetelo said. The two played three rounds of rock-paper-scissors, with Ciriaca winning two of the three rounds. "Dang it."

"To make things fair, I will room with Ciriaca and Tetelo. The three of us get on very well anyway." Taylor said as I nodded.

"I claim Yeri." Eliza said as Yeri smiled. 

"I don't know about that. You two are quite sneaky..." Saira said as I agreed.

"We won't do anything!" Yeri promised as her and Eliza gave us puppy eyes.

"We'll try it." I said. "But if you two do one thing out of pocket, it's over."

"Fine." They both said.

"So that leaves Leah, Aurora and Jaylen." Saira said as everyone looked at them. 

"The three of us can room together, if it's not a problem." Jaylen said as the other two nodded in agreement.

"Great! This was a lot more calm than anticipated." I said with a breath of relief. "Okay, before we leave for rehearsal, here's our house chores for the night. Sub-unit M87 will handle the dishes after dinner, which we will be ordering in tonight. Sub-unit Cassiopeia will clean the main room while sub-unit Miranda will handle the night routine. Sub-unit Sirius has the nigh off since they've been doing M87's chores for the past two days."

"Yes!" All the members of Sirius yelled out in victory. 

"Let's all get in the vans outside, seven per van, and head to SM for our very first rehearsal as a group!"

"Yes Skyler!" Everyone else yelled.

"Everyone huddle up!" Saira said as everyone got together. "Let's make this first practice count. We've been working hard so far, let's work even harder tonight. One, two, three!"

"We're the group you can't defy!" We all did six claps in three rounds of one, two, and three. "Undefined fighting!"

Everyone, this is the Undefined House.

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