Operation: Debut Undefined - Full Chapter #3 Pt. 1

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It has been months since we've teased the debut of Undefined, but we still have not debuted yet. Not only is it causing concern to me and our fans, but it's messing with our younger members the most. 

"My mom said if we don't debut soon, they're making me go back home. And I don't want that." Adanna says as she follows me downstairs. "Do you know what's taking us so long to debut?"

"Love, I wish I had an answer. I'm supposed to be meeting up with Soo-man today on why everything is taking so long." I said as I walked to the fridge to grab two apples and a bottle of water. "Hopefully, I'll have an answer and I can report back to everyone."

"I hope so." She sighs. "I really don't want to go home."

"Look at me." I said as her head lifted up. "I'm not going to let that happen. I want us to debut just as much as you do."

"Did someone say debut?" Nesaie said as Ciriaca followed behind her. "We're not losing or getting another member are we?"

"I hope not."I said with a grunt. "I'm going to meet up with Soo-man, and possibly hanging out with Chanyeol and Sehun after. Saira isn't here, so I'm leaving Ciriaca in charge."

"Yes!" She yells in victory as the two younger ones groan.

"I will be back later!" I said as I headed out the door. I hope this meeting goes well.


"So , you're telling me we haven't debut yet because of the sole fact that we don't have a manager?" I said in disbelief.

"I know it sounds crazy-"

"Yes Soo-man, it is crazy. How did your new girl group get a manager before we did? And why would you debut them first and not us?"

"Aespa wasn't even supposed to debut yet. I honestly don't know-" He sighed in defeat. "Skyler, I'm working very hard to get you girls to debut. I know you all have been working really hard. I will find someone soon, I promise."

"Whatever. Have a nice day sir." I said as I stormed out the room.

"Wow, he's really using that as an excuse?" 

"I'm disappointed too Sehun." I sighed as he followed me to find Chanyeol. "I want us to debut now! We've waited for so long and they decide to debut another group before us."

"I think I can help. I can contact some people who might be interested in managing Undefined."

"Sehun, I love you."

"I love you too Sky." He grinned. "How are you gonna tell the girls?"

"...I'm not going to." We stopped in our tracks as he turned to me. "I'm going to make us debut."

"Skyler, the group doesn't even have a manager yet."

"We don't need one to debut."

"What are you thinking?"

"I have access to SM Entertainment official accounts. I have copies of all of our official music and the music videos."

"Skyler, no. I don't want you getting in trouble."

"The parents of my maknaes are threating to bring them back home if they don't debut. Our time is limited."

"Let me see what I can do. But let's find Chanyeol and get back to the house."


"So they won't debut us because they, quote on quote, haven't found a manager for us?" Hailey says in disbelief. "I can't believe them!"

"So what we supposed to do now?!"  Aurora says as everyone starts talking at once.

"Can everyone stop for one second!" I said as the room got quiet. "Sehun is literally in the process of trying to find a manager for us."

"But there's no telling when that's going to happen. What about now?" Polymnia, our newest member says calmly.

"I'll debut us. I got the information to all of SM's official accounts and I have the official music and videos so.."

"And how in the living hell did you get those?" Saira questions with her arms folded.

"From me, thank you very much!" Chanyeol says as Jongin and Taemin follows him through the door. "Hello again ladies."

"Chanyeol, why did you give her that information?" Taylor asks him.

"Because why not." He shrugged as he sat down.

"Sky, Taemin and I want to help you guys debut." Jongin says as he sits next to Hailey. "Whatever you want us to do, we'll do it."

"I really do care about the future of everyone in this room. Except for Hailey."

"Piss off Taemin." Hailey retorted as she rolled her eyes.

"So it's official. Operation debut Undefined is in full effect. Everyone, get your phones. You all have your photoshoot pictures. If not, just tell me and I'll send them to you. We have the tags for the pictures as well. Tell everyone that our debut date is November fifteenth twenty-twenty."

"Doesn't Aespa debut on the seventeenth though?"  Sehun asks as he walks back in the room. "You are so petty."

"Queen Petty, thank you. Any questions?"

"No chief!" Ciriaca says as we all laugh. "I can't believe we're doing this."

"We have no choice. Let's get to it!"

One Leader of UndefinedΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα