Operation: Debut Undefined - Full Chapter #3 Pt. 2 (Filler)

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"So...Guess who has a meeting will SM Entertainment?"

"I told you to wait until I found a manager for you guys!" Sehun said through the phone in a frustrated tone. "Skyler Anika Clarke-Zhang!"

"Zhang is not added to my name! Stop that."

"No! I literally had just found one the day of. All you had to do was wait!"

"I know Sehun but I couldn't wait any longer." I sighed. "And besides, it wasn't fair that Aespa got to debut before us!"

"I get it Skyler. I do. But I just don't want you ending up getting kicked out or not be able to do promotions if they decide to let you have it easy because of current circumstances."

"I know." I heard a knock at the door as I saw the younger members and Saira standing at the door. "I have to go. The meeting is in two hours and I still need to get ready."

"Okay. And I'll be sending your manager to the house after the meeting. I think the rest of EXO is coming over with us as well."

"That's fine. See you soon." I hung up the phone as I motioned for the girls to come in the room. "Guys, I believe everything will be fine."

"Skyler, we still went against the company. But I don't regret this decision. It let's them know that we mean business." Leah said as the others agreed.

"You don't think they'll take you out the group, do you?" Saira said as she grabbed my hand.

"If I defend my case well, I don't think so. But then again, they are sneaky."

"Did Sehun ever find a manager for us?" Destiny asks.

"Sehun, and maybe the rest of EXO, is coming over with the manager after my meeting." I said as I got off the bed. "Which I need to get ready for."

"I'm picking your outfit!" Destiny says, running to the closet as Leah follows. "If you're going to prove your case, you need a bomb outfit."

"What is that going to mean for the rest of us though?" Adanna asks as she stands next to me. "I literally just got here and I don't want to leave."

"If they're going to make someone leave, it will be me. And I'd rather it be me before the rest of you."

"And you're willing to sacrifice your career to keep ours alive?" Leah asks, her head popping out the closet.

"I did with EXO. And I am willing to do so with us." I nodded, the reality of the situation finally coming to me. "Hopefully, it won't come down to that point."

"Skyler, we love you." Saira says as she hugs me. I hug her back as I clear my throat.

"I love you guys so much. I'm going to get in the shower now. Destiny, bring whatever it is you want me to wear in the bathroom!"


"We are hear today to confront Skyler Anika Clarke regarding Undefined's debut and album release that was not yet scheduled. In attendance alongside us is the remaining EXO members." Soo-man says as he looks at me. "Skyler, you have the floor."

"Lee Soo-man

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"Lee Soo-man. Executive board. Fellow EXO members." I addressed each group with a bow before I started. "I am here to confess that I did go behind the company's back and debuted Undefined and released our album."

"If you don't mind explaining why you did it?" One of the executive board members asked as I nodded my head.

"I did it because I had so many questions asking about our debut. Not only from our fans, but from our members and their family members as well. Our younger members, their parents were making threats of making them come back home if they were not going to debut. I did it with best interest for my members, not me."

"Were you not at all concerned about this? Did you tell your EXO members about this plan?"

"I did tell my EXO members about this. They all advised me to wait a little longer but the stress from the fans and family members of Undefined was getting to my head. I was not concerned about this because of my anger that I had at the time."

"And what was this anger about?" Another member of the board asks.

"The anger that I had was that all you had approved to debut Aespa, when Undefined was already announced and ready to debut. Not only that, we had so many changes to the group which only caused more anger and confusion.

"And this situation took me back to when I was forced to choose between joining Undefined or remaining in EXO. That was not a fun feeling and I could tell that it was going to come back again. And I will honestly be damned if I let all the members of Undefined go though what I caused all of EXO to feel." I sighed, bowing my head. I cleared my throat, making sure to keep the tears from falling.

"And I am willing to take any punishment from you all. Whether its for me to leave Undefined, EXO, or the company as a whole. I did not realize the extent of this situation until this morning. And I now understand the circumstances that were brought up by my EXO members. And once again, I apologize." I bowed once more, looking at everyone in the room.

"Well, ladies and gentlemen. What do we think?" Soo-man asks as everyone looks around.

"I don't think she should have a very harsh punishment. I know that she went against us, but it was for the benefit of her members. And she also kept them from getting into debt. Their album sales alone has paid off all of the members debt combined." A lady from the executive board spoke.

"And our stocks have also greatly increased with the debut of Undefined and Aespa alone. And if we don't allow her to promote with the group, I'm pretty sure that our stocks will decrease. Skyler is a great asset with being in both Undefined and EXO." Another male from the executive board spoke.

"If I may say something..." Jongin says as Soo-man nods in approval. "Skyler is also helping me with my debut. She's the only one I'm allowing to so any of my production for it. So not letting her help me will only push my debut back further."

"Which is in high demand, by the way." Baekhyun adds.

"I also will like to add to my case. Soo-man also told me that the reason why we didn't debut sooner was because a manager was not found for us." I said as the board members nodded.

"And speaking of manager, I did also take part in this plan with Skyler." Sehun says as he stands up. "I told her that I would help find a manager for Undefined, which I did the day their debut was held. After this meeting, I was planning on introducing the group to her, that's if this meeting goes well."

"Undefined has debuted already, and music shows have been asking for them non-stop. I think we should go ahead and let Undefined promote. I think a good punishment is to keep her from their next comeback completely."

"Oh no..." I groaned. As much as I hate the idea of not doing anything at all, I'd rather do that. "I can't believe I'm saying this, but I accept that as a punishment."

"Okay so it's settled. This meeting is adjourned. Everyone is free to go. Skyler, a word please." Soo-man says as everyone starts to leave the room. 

"Good luck Sky. We'll see you at the house." Chanyeol says as everyone else nods at me. I walk to Soo-man as the door closes, only leaving us in the room.

"Skyler. You know I love you like a daughter and care about you greatly. But that was not acceptable. The executive board favors you greatly. If this situation ever happens again, I will not let this slide."

"Yes sir. And I'm sorry once again." I bowed completely to him before stand straight again. He pulled me in for a hug as I hugged him back.

"I'm proud of you for standing up for your group." He whispered as a grin appeared on my face. He pulled back and looked at me once more. "Now go tell your group the good news and make your  SM family proud."

"Yes sir." He leaves out the room as a sigh of relief leaves my body. "I'm going to need Sehun, Hailey and Felix to remind me to never go against SM again."

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