Chapter Three: School Sucks

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          Mondays are my least favorite days, but they have become my least favorite even more. The reason being is, first thing in the morning I have math. Not just any math either, it's advanced calculus right at eight AM that doesn't end until ten AM. Two hours of a class that seems like an alien language. It's times like these I wish I was Ash since he has no problem with any type of math. He always passes with flying colors. While I have to study until the crack of drawn, along with watching Youtube videos on it to understand. I sigh as I look down at my textbook that we're supposed to be doing problems out of. Maybe Kara was right and I should have dropped the class like she did the first day. What was I thinking when I picked a morning math class especially picking advanced calculus.

          I glance at the clock and inwardly groan due to seeing only an hour has passed. I look at my notebook where I see half the equations are done, but the one I'm on I can't figure out. How do you get three different answers for one problem? I look over at Mr. Brown who is helping another student with the bookwork. His wired glasses falling down the bridge of his crooked nose, so he has to keep pushing them up. He always tells us that he needs a new pair, yet he can't afford them on a teacher's salary. His tailored suits say otherwise though. I snap out of my thoughts as the person next to me sneezes. "Bless you," I tell them only to be met with silence. With a sigh, I look at my work again. I circle the problem number and move on since it seems Mr. Brown is going to be busy for a while. As long as I keep the circles under five, it means I have improved on this subject.

          "Okay class, I'll see you all Wednesday. Don't forget we will be preparing for midterms then. Also, don't forget that afterschool tutoring will not be held today. The computer lab is still being worked on." Mr. Brown's voices booms around the classroom as he reminds us. Most aren't listening to him as they pack up and quickly leave the room. Some are hanging onto every word he is saying. I'll never understand how students can have a crush on a teacher almost twice their age even if he doesn't look it. I pack up my things trying not to look at the ten circled problems in my notebook. I'm going to fail if I don't study harder. Hopefully, Ash won't mind helping me go over them while the three of us study together in the library today. Which makes me wonder, if they are already in there waiting on me. I reach to get my phone out of my back pocket, so I can send them a text when I slam into someone hard enough to knock my phone out of my hands. "Shit, I'm so sorry!" I tell the person I bumped into before freezing. I just smacked into eerie Erin. And to make matters worse, I knocked his project out of his hands. Great, this is how I die all because I wasn't paying attention. "Erin, I'm so, so sorry. I honestly didn't see you."

          "Yeah, that's what everyone says," He says with a grunt as he glares at me. "You people think I'm invisible because you're so consumed in your own little worlds." He bends down to start picking up the pieces.

          "We're not all like that." I bend to help him and also grab my phone. "You know you don't have to be so rude to people."

          He gives a harsh chuckle. "I'm only rude to those who have reported me for no reason." He snatches the pieces out of my hands.

          I look at him with wide eyes. "No reason? You cut my hair and stalked me along with my best friend." My voice raises some so I lower it back down to almost a whisper. "I don't know why you're so angry, but I had a reason for reporting you. If it hurt your feelings, I'm not sorry. If you were trying to make friends, that's not how you do it," I tell him as I get up and dust my pants off. I then walk away not even bothering to see who is texting me. I swear I heard him mumble something, but my need to get away is too great for me to care. 

          I reach the library and walk in looking for the gang. They're not in our usual spot. It's been taken over by a few jocks in their jerseys. They're just showing videos and things to each other while two of them look at their phones in despair. There must be trouble in paradise for them which is another reason not to date. I look over at the computers and don't see them among the rapid typers and clickers. I sigh about to give up when I hear Kara yell, "Oh my God!"

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