Chapter Fifteen: The Note

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I don't remember how I got into a taxi or even calling one. The whole thing seems like a blur to me. I just remember him telling me we were at the airport, and how much it cost for everything. I sigh as I lean against the bathroom wall. What are you doing Cassandra? Is running away really the best option? I push myself off the wall and leave the bathroom stall. I go to the mirror and look at the girl in front of me. Broken. Alone. Destroyer. Coward. These thoughts swirl around my mind as I run the water and splash my face. I pull my hair into a messy bun since I don't feel like managing it right now. I want to scream or punch something, but I know that won't solve anything. With a deep breath, I gather my things and leave the bathroom before a mirror gets broken. I don't need to be detained by security for losing control of my emotions.

I wait in line while hoping there is a flight available. I didn't think this through, but I can chill here until my flight is ready. Unless it's not until tomorrow, then I'll have to figure out where to go for the time being. I move forward when the lady behind me huffs. I didn't realize I was holding it up. When it's my turn, I ask the lady behind the desk, "What's the next flight that is leaving soon?"

Her fingers dance across the keys as she types a few things. She then looks at me, "We have three that are departing in an hour for Hawaii, Delaware, and Georgia," She tells me.

I bite my lip as I think it over before saying, "How much for the cheapest seat on the flight to Delaware with a carry on?"

After paying for my ticket, I wander around the airport to help kill time. My stomach growls which remind me I haven't eaten anything in a while. I look around and head to the first restaurant I see. While my order is being made, I take my phone out to see I have multiple missed calls and text messages. I look at the missed calls and see one is from the hospital. My heart drops to my stomach as I call them back. Listening to the phone ring makes my anxiety get worse the longer it takes. When someone answers, I immediately say, "Hi my name is Cassandra Evans, I received a call from you guys. Is everything okay? Is my brother okay?"

"Ms. Evans, your brother is fine now. We were calling to inform you that a young couple was here," She trails off as the sound of papers is heard being rustled and flipped through. "Ah here it is, a mister Lucas and Miss Michealson were here, and I'm afraid we had to make them leave and banned them from coming back awhile. They made Mister Evans quite stirred up to the point we had to detain him and put him to sleep. He injured one of our nurses bless his heart, but he will be okay thankfully," She tells me.

"I'm sorry one of your staff got hurt, ma'am. Thank you for telling me about the situation that happened. When he wakes, please tell the idiot to rest and not hurt anyone?" I ask her.

She chuckles before saying, "Of course, miss Evans, have a good day."

"You too and thank you again," I tell her before I hang up my phone with a groan. What did those two do? I wonder before I hear my name being called for my order. I grab it and sit it back down. I nibble on a fry as I look through the messages that had been left. Ash asked where I was and to respond. Kara apologized and told me to answer my phone. I leave them on read as I sit my phone down on the table. "What's the point of apologizing when all you said was the truth," I mumble to myself.

After eating my meal, I find a map, so I can find my way to where I need to board the plane. So, you're still going through with this? You're running away and leaving everyone behind even your brother? On top of all the other bad things you are, you can now add a person who abandons others. I snap out of my thoughts as I bump into someone. "I'm sorry, I didn't see you there," I tell the man.

"It's okay, this place is packed anyways, so I would have bumped into someone somehow," He says as he bends down to pick up his things.

I bend down and help him gather his papers that came out of his briefcase. "Here you go, sir. I think these are all of them," I say with a smile.

"You're too kind," He stands back up, "Thank you and I hope you have a good day," He says before he begins walking away.

I pick my suitcase up and see a piece of paper under it. "Crap!" I mumble as I pick it up. I turn to see if I can see him anywhere, but the crowd has become too thick for me to see him. I look at the paper in my hands and turn it over to see if it has his name on it. My eyes widen as I read it: Running away my dear? I hope you know Cassandra that won't work, for I will find you as I have now. You can't escape me! I have eyes everywhere. So, I wouldn't bother going to the police since I've already eluded them twice now, and leaving your loved ones behind makes it easier for me to get to them. Let's finish this little game of cat and mouse. Meet me where it all began thirteen years ago, I'll be waiting.


The paper falls from my hand as my face pales. I can feel my breathing quicken as I look all around me again. The faces begin to blur as I feel myself spin in circles. He was just here! M was just here and I let him get away! I look at the paper that is now crumbling in my fist. I know what I need to do, so I hope he is ready. He's right this game ends now. 

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