Chasing the Past

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Scroll right for a little edit I did of one of Steve and Natasha's scenes in TWS! It's romanogers centered, but still awesome. Enjoy!

§Chasing The Past§
p.o.v: Elena

=-Three months later=-

I grimaced as I trudged through the dark mold-ridden sewer tunnels, and I could feel the grip of my gun tightening with each step I took. This type of dark twisted labyrinth wasn't going to bring anything good, and the sharp smell of mold and waste only confirmed my theory.

The shallow pool of water I was walking through began to freeze my toes, and I questioned whether or not all of this was worth finding who I was looking for. In fact, I actually knew it wasn't. Gustav Höusse and Frederik Pétrov were two men I had never planned on encountering again. I even had the ignorance to think that I had left my interactions with them in the Red Room, along with the image of their ghastly pale complexions, high wired voices, and white lab coats that would swirl around their infirm frames like ghosts.

They were scientists who assisted in the biometric programming of the asset that was brought to Belarus on the blistering cold night of November 17, 1945. The way that their contempt expressions remained unchanged all throughout their horrendous experiments made it easy for me to hate them, and I had no doubt they were responsible for the complete disassociation I saw in Barnes on the train a few months back. However, I still held onto some shame that it had taken me this long to find them.

So I as continued on, I did so with an element of desperation, stepping through the murky water and fighting the urge to filter the pungent air with my arm. Eventually, the odor of disinfectant and mildew began to mix with something more potent and sweet. Something... familiar.

I forced myself to breathe through my nose, and I quickly traced the smell to that of... cigarette smoke. In a sewer?

I took a few steps back and let the gray fumes lick up into the bluish moonlight in front of me, beckoning for me to follow its feather-like trail.

"How stupid can you be.." I muttered under my breath, stepping forward to follow the aroma. The fact that this entire sewer contained flammable substances almost made a chuckle escape my throat. But it fell short when I began to hear a pair of muffled voices resembling the same low rumble of my native language.

I was still too far away to decipher what they were saying, and I silently lifted my second gun out of its holster as I approached the room where a dull yellow glow was spilling out into the nearby shadows. The place they were hiding in was likely a break room that had been carved out for the sewer's original constructors, and now it was being used for much more illegal purposes.

I clicked both guns out of safety mode and hovered a finger over each trigger as I pressed myself up against the wall right outside their view. Then, as soon as a lull arose in their conversation, I rushed out into the entryway.

The man facing the entrance jumped immediately after seeing me, causing the other sitting across him to flinch and spin around in his seat. They were realistically frightened, given that the little color remaining in their faces was quickly melting away. It silenced the distant warning in my head that was telling me this was a trap, and I felt my shoulders lose some of their tension.

"...N..Nobakov?" The man farthest from me asked, his eyes wide in disbelief. The hollowed eyes and sunken cheekbones confirmed that it was Frederik Pétrov. The hair on his head was a mass of grayish knots, and the splotches of white facial hair on his jaw only highlighted the lack of hygiene that came from hiding in a sewer.

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