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Irl perspective:

Liam and Theo went downstairs and gathered the pack.

They all gathered in Scott's living room with Liam and Theo on the couch alone.

"Thank you all for coming and gathering around to hear what we got to say, If you have a problem with our decision you can come talk to me or Theo about it, I hope everyone accepts what we've decided and just know that if I get kicked out I love you all." Scott looked at Liam weirdly and Liam could feel his hands starting to sweat.

Theo could sense his nervousness, And locked their hands together.

"Okay here goes nothing- Me and Theo are together." Everyone went blank and was shocked.

"I don't really know how it happened, But we just started to get closer and just kind of went for it?" I gulped seeing everyone staring at me.

Mason and Corey smiled up at us.

Scott obviously was shocked.

Stiles was just as shocked as Scott.

Derek and Lydia shared a expression.

And Malia looked like she was going to kill me.

"Liam, Why didn't you tell us sooner?" Scott asked with a shocked voice.

"I was scared you would kick me out of the pack or hate me. You guys accepted Corey and Mason for being gay but I was scared I would get hated on or get kicked out." Liam admitted and Scott's facial expressions softened.

"Liam we would never hate you for who you love, And I would never kick you out of my pack. Liam your like a brother to me, I would accept my brother if he turned out Gay or Bi. Liam it's okay, your not going to get kicked out, we're just shocked but we're not mad." Everyone's facial expressions softened, Even malia's.

Liam stood there and all of a sudden ran out of the room, Running upstairs.

Theo ran after him and the pack started to go back to what they were doing before, But Scott looked like he was worried about Liam.

Liam ran into his room with tears in his eyes and Theo came in and closed the door back.

"Liam it's okay, They were supportive. They love you no matter what. There's no need to cry." Theo said going over to Liam wiping his tears.

"I-I know, B-But I just feel like they were silently judging me except mason and corey, I don't know why I'm so emotional right now." Theo grabbed Liam by his hips and pulled him closer to him.

Theo started to play with Liams hair to calm him down and after awhile he stopped crying, He was so used to holding his emotions inside himself he just doesn't know how to let go.

Theo kissed Liam's head and continued to play with his hair.

"My Babyboy." Theo said as he laid Liam down on his bed.

Liam whined as Theo laid him down on the bed and tucked him under the covers.

"Stay with me" Liam whined and made puppy eyes at Theo.

Theo couldn't resist his puppy.

"Your too cute for your own good." He sighed and got in bed with Liam.

His puppy needed him and he was going to be there for him.

I think it's safe to say that Liam and Theo were going to stick together through thick and thin.

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