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Irl perspective

"Theo? Can I ask you something?" Liam asked raising up from Theo's chest.

"Hm?" Theo asked sitting up, Locking eyes with Liam.

Liam sighed and made eye contact with Theo.

"Why do you like me?" Liam asked barely above a whisper, Voice full of sadness.

"Li, What do you mean?" Theo asked furrowing his eyes brows, Gently touching Liams cheek.

Liam was trying his best to hold back his tears, But he couldn't.

"H-How C-Can Y-You like s-someone l-like m-me?" Liam asked again with tears running down his cheeks.

Theo's face softened when he saw the smaller boy crying.

"Well, I don't like you for starters." Theo said and Liam looked heartbroken.

Liam's face started to turn red and he nearly started sobbing.

"Liam Dunbar, I don't like you because I love you." Theo said softly, smiling at Liam with a soft smile Liam has never seen.

Liam smiled back and rubbed his eyes, Drying his tears and Laughing it off.

"I'm sorry, I'm such a mess right now- and you do not know how much I needed to hear those words." Liam said pulling Theo into a kiss.

The kiss was slow and passionate, Showing how much they loved each other through actions.

Liam trailed his hands down to Theo's shirt slipping them under feeling his abs.

Theo smirked into the kiss and licked Liam's bottom lip for entrance.

Liam gladly opened to let Theo slide his tongue into Liams mouth.

Theo sucked on Liam's bottom lip and laced his fingers with Liams.

Liam pulled back and rested his forehead against Theo's.

"Theo Raeken, I love you too." Liam smiled.

Theo ran his free hand down Liams chest and under his shirt.

Liam couldn't help but let out a little grunt.

Theo couldn't help but be turned on by Liam, He wasn't usually like this.

"Fuck-" Theo moaned under his breath.

Liam couldn't help but blush.

Theo looked down and saw that Liam also had a boner.

"Shit" Liam muttered under his breath.

Theo looked Liam in the eyes and saw Lust in them, And Theo couldn't help but laugh.

"What are you laughing at?" Liam asked with a pout on his face.

"Nothing. You're just adorable when you're turned on." Liam's blush deepened as he heard the words 'Turned on'.

"Am not." He argued.

"You are. You have a sexually frustrated look on you're face and you're eyes are dark. It's honestly adorable." Theo smirked and walked up to Liam pinning him against the wall.

"You know what I think? I think, that we should take care of this before it gets out of hand." Theo said with a incredibly raspy voice that made Liam weak in his knees.

"Fuck, That was hot." Liam admitted.

"Can't resist can you?" Theo asked teasingly.

Of course, Liam should have known what a tease Theo was.

"Of course not, not when you talk with that voice. God, I could cum with that voice only." Theo was shocked that Liam was talking about this stuff so early on.

But Theo thought it was incredibly hot that Liam found Theo attractive.

"Liam, You're not making this any better." Theo said running his hands through his hair, Already sexually frustrated.

"What's wrong? Frustrated? Now you feel how I feel." Liam said teasingly.

"I hate you." Theo said with a dorky smile on his face.

"No you don't, and if you did... you wouldn't hate me for long." Liam smirked before reconnecting their lips.

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