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Theo: I'm so gay I'm fucking gay

Liam: I love you 😘

Theo: Love you too ❤️

Hayden: I thought you were both gay?

Liam: I like guys and girls and Theo likes boys.

Theo: Yeah, The whole thing with Tracy wasn't real..

Hayden: I know, You killed her for power.

Theo: Yeah.

Liam: Wait why the hell am I talking to you?

Hayden: Tbh I don't know

Liam: I have a question for you though

Hayden: What is it?

Liam: Why are you sometimes nice to me and a bitch the next time?

Hayden: I don't know, You get on my nerves and I don't really like your boyfriend sooo

Theo: Oh shut up you were in my pack ffs

Hayden: Only because you revived me

Theo: and your welcome bitch

Hayden: I'll chop your dick off if you keep talking to me like that

Theo: I'd like to see you try

Hayden: "I won't have to try, I will."

Theo: How dare you quote me!

Hayden: Well so-rr-y!

Theo: Anywayyyy

Liam: Wait, I just realized something

Theo: Hm?

Liam: I'm 2 years younger then you, and your 18 and I'm 16...

Theo: What about it?

Liam: Nothing I just realized that

Theo: Atleaat I ain't 40 and your 16

Theo: Yes I'm targeting the cougars out there

Liam: This is why I love you

Mason: What the hell just happened? I'm too lazy to reread

Liam: Tbh idek

Scott: Pack meeting at my house, Don't forget 7PM.

Liam: The time changed?

Scott: Yeah, This time we're doing something a little different.

Brett: I for one am not part of this pack, so I'm not coming

Theo: Thank god

Scott: Theo- You could come if you want to brett, if the alpha invites you, you can come!

Theo: Scott what are you doing?

Brett: I'd love to come

Theo: Hey guys I think I'm gonna sit this one out

Scott: No you aren't, You can't miss this one

Theo: Fuuuuckkkk

Liam: You two need to get along!

Brett: Me? Him? Not a chance.

Theo: Yeah can't see myself getting along with this dick for brains.

Brett: Excuse me? At least I'm still going to school and get a education while you and Liam skip to have sex! Oh yeah, I can smell it on you when you come back.

Theo: Your point?

Brett: So I think you are mister dick for brains.

Liam: We Don't have sex..... All the time.

Brett: All the time? Liam, your not good at hiding your scent or emotions.

Liam: Yeah but you're a born wolf! You have had more training then I've had.

Brett: You know Liam, If you like I could train you, maybe I'll consider getting along with Theo, But I'm not using this as a excuse to see you, I'm using this as an excuse to train you and help you get better.

Liam: You'd really do that?

Brett: If you want

Theo: Liam Don't.

Liam: But I want to get better..

Theo: Just let Scott train you, hell I can even train you.

Liam: You can?

Theo: Yes I can, But don't let this dick teach you.

Liam: I don't know what to do...

Brett: Your decision.

Theo: Liam be smart about this.

Liam: I think I need some time to think about it, I'll let you know what I decide.

Brett: When you decide, you know where to contact me.

Liam: Yeah

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