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Irl perspective

Liam heard his doorbell ring, Brett was here.

He wasn't alone anymore.

Liam practically ran down the stairs nearly falling flat on his face.

He ran down the hallway and unlocked the door, opening it revealing Brett.

"What's up Dunbar?" Brett smiled, Liam smiling also.

"Come in." Liam said, Moving to the side letting Brett walk in.

The warmth of the empty house hit Brett like a truck, It was cold outside and it felt nice in Liam's house.

"It's warm in here." Brett stated, Focusing on the warmth around him.

"I prefer it to be warm. I don't like the cold. Theo prefers it warm too." Liam said smiling, He missed Theo. It may have only been 2 hours since he left, But he missed him.

"You know I prefer it warm too. I've never been a fan of the cold either." Liam smiled and motioned Brett to come up to his room.

Brett nodded and followed me up to my room, I walked slowly trying my best not to take a wrong step and fall backwards onto Brett.

Once we got to the top of the stairs I made sure he was still following and got to my room, Me taking a deep breath before entering.

I wasn't used to having other people other then the pack in my room, It felt kinda weird.

"Liam? Why are you nervous? I can smell it all over you." Brett had grabbed Liam's wrist making them stop.

"It's just... I've never had someone over who isn't pack. I'm not nervous... I'm just... Awkward?" Liam questioned like he searching for the right word.

Brett nodded understanding how he feels and slowly let go of Liam's wrist.

Liam smiled awkwardly and sat down his bed, Motioning Brett to sit beside him.

Brett stood still for a second, Completely frozen to his spot. His brain wasn't functioning properly. He didn't know if it was because he was totally exhausted from lacrosse or if he was stressed because of school, Or maybe it was because of the noticeable change in the mood.

Liam frowned slightly and dropped his head, And that was when Brett's brain finally understood what was going on.

Liam needed someone to talk to.

Not just because he was alone.

But because he was scared to tell the others.

"Liam? What's wrong?" Brett asked, concern evident in his voice, Capturing Liam's attention.

"I-It's nothing. I'm fine." Liam gave Brett the fakest smile, Which Brett could see right through him.

"Liam you can tell me. I won't tell the others." Brett lightly touched Liam's hand, Trying to make him give in.

"I-It's really nothing Brett. Just forget about it okay? I'm fine." Brett furrowed his eyebrows, Shaking his head.

"Your not okay Liam. I've known you for years. I can tell when your upset. Liam, you can tell I promise." Brett said, His voice steady and calm.

Liam took a deep breath and sighed, Shuddering as he did.

"Okay fine, I'll tell you. But you have to promise me you won't tell the others okay?" Liam bit his lip, watching for any reaction.

"Liam, Listen to my heartbeat when I tell you this," Liam nodded.

"I won't tell the others. I promise." Liam listened to Brett's heartbeat and it didn't spike once.

"I hurt myself, I'm bullied at school by these guys who suspect I'm a werewolf. Even after everything with the ghost riders. I'm still bullied. And I don't tell anyone about it because it makes me seem weak. But what they say about me is hurtful and it makes me burst into tears in seconds." Liam had a single tear rolling down his cheek as he choked on his words.

"Liam calm down. Your going to make yourself sick. Just calm down." Brett grabbed Liam's arm and stroked it carefully.

Liam calmed down slowly, Laying against Brett's chest listening to his heartbeat like he does with Theo.

He matches his heartbeat with Theo's and it calms him down.

He missed Theo.

It's only been 3 hours since he left, Yet he had no one to hang out with and he never liked being alone.

Brett tensed up, not expecting Liam's sudden move.

But he slowly relaxed into Liam's touch and before he knew it Liam had fell asleep.

Brett slowly moved Liam off his chest and put him on the pillow, But before he knew it, Liam had wrapped his arms around his waist, Whining.

"Liam, I have to go..." Brett whispered, Moving Liam's arms.

"Don't leave me... I don't wanna be alone." Liam opened his eyes looking at Brett.

"Liam, Theo is going to kill me." Brett said, Looking down at Liam.

"I'm sorry, But I cant stay." Brett got up, Leaving Liam alone in his room.

All Brett could hear were the somewhat silent sobs and whispers of Liam.

"Please don't leave me... I don't want to be alone..." But Brett knew he was probably just needy. He had to be.

Brett left through Liam's front door, Locking it as he got out, Thank god for Liam's non weird lock.

And before he knew it, He heard one last thing.

"Their going to come for me..."

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