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Irl perspective

Theo had come home around 6 in the morning, He instantly tried to find Liam not even worrying about his own exhaustion.

"Liam?" Theo called, He wasn't anywhere downstairs... Does that mean he went up to his room?

Theo shrugged and went up the stairs, Before closing his eyes tight.

He was still hurt from his attack.

Earlier after Theo left, He was going to find Scott and tell him they weren't done, This 'game' was far from over.

But before he could find Scott, One of his Nemesis, Found him.

They got into a fight and before Theo could kill them, They struck him first.

They ran away with the satisfaction of hurting the chimera.

Luckily, Theo wasn't far from Liam's house and drove even when he was intense pain.

And for some reason, He wasn't healing.

So now here he was, Clutching the rail as tight as he could and squeezing his eyes tight, Trying to trigger his healing.

Liam had woken up due to the fact he had a nightmare and decided to go downstairs to get a glass of water, But when he came to the stairs he found Theo. Definitely in pain.

"Theo? Are you okay?" Liam asked as he touched Theo's hand, Feeling how much pain he was in.

He lifted Theo's shirt and saw the huge gash in his side, He had definitely been attacked.

"Oh my- What the hell happened!?" Liam questioned, Putting Theo's other arm around his neck walking him up the stairs, Theo was nearly in tears at this point.

He couldn't ignore it anymore.

"L-Liam d-don't do anything. I-I'm fine, I just need to trigger my healing process." Theo protested but Liam shook his head.

"Your not going to heal unless I take some of the pain away. Just let me help you. You help me all the time. It's my turn to help you." Liam grabbed Theo's arm, His body automatically taking the pain.

His veins turned black as he absorbed as much pain as he could.

Theo was relieved, He could feel his wound healing now.

"Thank you Liam." Theo said, Sitting up slowly.

"It's the least I can do. You've helped me a lot. Now it's my turn to help you." Theo smiled, He was exhausted.

"Baby your exhausted, Get some rest okay? I'll be right beside you, But you need rest." Theo nodded and let Liam help him into his bed, Liam getting beside him.

"Goodnight T, I love you." Liam pecked his lips before snuggling up close to Theo.

"Love you too" Theo said before he fell asleep.

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