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Scott: Whats up?

Stiles: Scott we need to talk

Scott: About?

Stiles: It's private!

Scott: Okay wanna meet me at my house? Or maybe private chat?

Stiles: I'll meet you at your house.

Scott: Okay! Just let me get dressed

Stiles: Scott you still sleep naked?

Scott: ...No.

Stiles: Scott

Scott: ...Yes. Well, HALF naked.

Stiles: Well hurry up because I'm already here

Scott: How'd you get here so fast???

Stiles: Oh I was already here before I texted you

Scott: Typically stiles.

Lydia: Sti where did you go?

Stiles: Oh, I'm at Scott's, You were asleep and I didn't want to wake you.

Lydia: Oh, am I here alone?

Stiles: No, My dad is home.

Lydia: Okay, I was just worried something happened to you.

Stiles: I'm fine princess ❤️

Lydia: Okay I love you 💕

Stiles: Love you too 💞

Scott: Aww Stydia

Stiles: Shut up, I'm coming inside

Scott: Okay my doors unlocked

Stiles: Thanks


Derek: I gotta say I do kinda ship stydia

Malia: Your learning. I'm proud.

Derek: shut it

Allison: Damn.

Isaac: Stydia is the otp ship here that everyone ships

Liam: Tbh I agree

Theo: Same, I ship it. And that's coming from someone who doesn't really like stiles.

Stiles: I'll beat your chimera ass in seconds if you try to come at me or Lydia.

Theo: Love you too Stilinski :)

Stiles: Get outta of here you son of a Bitch.

Liam: Hey be nice! Mama Stilinski it's okay.

Stiles: I still don't trust him

Liam: You should, He's good now!

Theo: I wouldn't say "Good" just yet, but I've had a change of heart, Liam changed me ❤️

Liam: But your better now and that's all that matters.

Stiles: He has to prove to me he's good.

Theo: I will. I promise.

Stiles: You've made a lot of promises and you always break them. Prove to me you deserve my trust.

Liam: He will.

Stiles: Don't let me down.

Theo: I won't. I've always wanted to earn your trust, old me wanted to make you suffer, new me just wants to be your friend.

Stiles: Like I said, prove it.

Stiles: I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, But don't fail me. Or you won't get a second chance.

Theo: I promise.

Stiles: Good. We'll see how long this lasts.

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