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Scott: Suppp packmates

Kira: Cringey boyfriend alert

Scott: :(

Kira: I'm just kidding!

Scott: I know :)

Allison: 2 hour school delay today, Stupid roads are flooded

Stiles: your meaning to tell me I woke up at 6 for nothing?

Allison: Yep

Stiles: Damnit

Liam: wait there's a 2 hour delay? Me and Theo were heading to school...

Scott: Are you stuck?

Liam: No but the roads look terrible.

Scott: They should just close school altogether

Liam: No! I have lacrosse practice and and our game was supposed to be tomorrow!

Scott: They'll cancel and reschedule, It's going to be okay.

Liam: Yeah, but do you know how bad i got at lacrosse? I couldn't even score a goal thanks to the stress.

Scott: You'll get better, Your team captain you have nothing to worry about.

Liam: Yeah but I will lose my spot if I don't get better, So will you and stiles help me?

Scott: You know I wasn't the best lacrosse player either, I had to work my way back up.

Liam: Yeah but if I want to get into college I have to be the best I can be, Because my parents can't pay for college. I have to get a scholarship.

Scott: Everything will be okay Liam.

Liam: How do you know that?

Scott: Because your one of the strongest people I know, You have made it through so much, You can make it through this. Plus, They're idiots if they don't let you into college.

Liam: Thanks Scott, you have no idea how much I needed to hear that.

Lydia: Aww father and son talk

Stiles: Liam, You don't have to worry okay? Worst case scenario you don't get in college, best case scenario you get into college! Just try your best okay? Don't stress if you don't get into college straight away.

Liam: Thanks stiles ❤️

Lydia: Aww mother and son talk

Stiles: Oh be quiet.



Scott: Hah you are such a mom.



Stiles: HAH your such a dad

Scott: So does that mean we're married?

Stiles: Yep it does.

Malia: Aww Sciles

Allison: Cuties 💖

Lydia: I ship 💘

Malia: Sameee

Kira: I ship it too 💝

Liam: We're at your house Scott.

Scott: Oh come in, it's raining do you guys have jackets?

Liam: ...No.

Liam: Theo has a leather jacket on just with a hood, I'm wearing a long sleeve shirt with one of Theo's jackets that also have no hood and I just realized how stupid we are.

Scott: I'll be two of my jackets you can put them over your heads until you inside.

Liam: You don't have too..

Scott: I don't you guys getting sick, So yeah I have too.

Liam: Thank you Scott. Really.

Scott: It's not a problem, I rather you guys stay dry and stay warm, I can make you some soup when you get in.

Liam: Thank you Scott, Love you 💘

Scott: Love you too LiLi 💞

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