Hello love.

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"Angie, I am not a club person. I'm a hide from society with my dogs and cat kind of person. Why did you drag me here?" Tegan a red headed girl in her early twentys was pleading with her best friend.

"Oh come on T, it's just one night. I wanted an adventure!" The Raven haired girl pulled Tegan along to the bar to grab a few drinks. Angie ordered her self a whisky and got Tegan a white Russian.
"Damn, T we drink like old men." Angie giggled finishing her drink.

"We only had on drink and there's creepers watching us already." Angie followed Tegan's line of sight. There was a man at the end of the bar watching the two girls. He wore an all black suit and his jet black hair hung right below his collar bones. Angie couldn't move her bright blue eyes away from his piercing green ones.

"I didn't realize creepers could be so hot. Come on let's go dance." Angie dragged her best friend to the middle of the dance floor. She was surprised that an hour went by without Tegan asking if they could go home already. This really was not the kind of place they went to but Angie needed a change of pase something new.

The world was an exciting place, especially the last few years. The Avengers were putting on a big show lately. Alien invasions. God's falling to earth. People swinging on webs like spiders. Shit was crazy and Angie loved it all but she wasnt a part of it and never could be. She had no powers. There was nothing special about her. She could only watch from the sidelines and dream. She didn't know why but she felt as if she belonged out there with them. She always felt trapped in her own skin, like who she was wasn't who she was really supposed to be. And with these past few years, with everything going on that feeling just grew. She needed a break from these feelings so that's why she dragged Tegan to a club with her. An escape, at least for a little while.

The man with the green eyes was in Angie's sights again. He was watching her dance. She couldn't imagine why someone like him would find any interest in someone like her. He was standing there in his perfectly tailored suit. It clung to him like a second skin. His hair was slicked back not a single strand out of place. His pale skin shined like moon light. And his eyes, god those eyes they took Angie's breath away. He was other wordly. God like. And she..... Well she was just her.

Her skin was pale like his but dull and scarred. He hair flowed down her back in slight waves but wouldn't lay right no matter what she did. She had on a dark forest green knee length corset dress. It was slightly to big and faded from being one of only three nice dresses she owns. She didn't even have heels to wear for tonight so she has on her trusty pair of doc Martin boots. The only jeweler she had on was her gauges, nose and lip ring and an old necklace her grandfather had given her. The chain had broke years ago so the pendant hung on a thin black rope. The pendant it self tho looked brand new she took care of it better then anything else she owns. Her grandfather use to tell her storys of the Norse gods and before he passed he gave her the necklace she has on now. It was the symbol for the trickster God Loki. He had always called her his little Trickster and Loki was always her favorite.

After Thor came to earth and everything happened the Avengers published information about Thor and his family. Angie was a bit shocked to learn the people from her grandfathers storys were true but the storys themselves were way wrong compared to the ones Thor told. But she could see how they got mixed up form years passing, different people and different languages telling them over and over.

The man started making his way over to the girls. Angie face started to burn red when she not only realized how long she was staring but that he was also walking straight towards her. She looked away quickly and in doing so she noticed her friend was gone. Tegan must have went back to the bar for a drink while Angie was distracted.

"Hello love" Angie turned to look at the man that just spoke to her. He was not the green eyed man she was expecting. The man reeked of alcohol and he couldn't stand up straight. "Let's dance baby." He grabbed her by the arm and pulled her further into the crowd. When he was happy with where they were at he stopped and yanked on Angie's arm to bring her closer to his body. He spun her so her back was to him. He put both of his hands on her hips and pull her butt up against himself. He grinded against her and swayed to the music. Angie was getting extremely uncomfortable and wanted nothing to do with him.

"T-thanks for the dance but I'm gonna go. K bye." Angie tried pulling her self away but the man's grip just got tighter.

"Chill your titts sugar. We're just getting started." He pushed himself against Angie harder. She wanted him off of her. She wanted to run to Tegan and tell her it's time to leave and never look back. She completely forgot the attractive man that had stolen her attention earlier. The good time she was having tonight was now tainted. The man finally backed up a little and Angie realized there was enough room for her to get her foot up between them. She kicked him right in the balls and then ran.

She looked over her shoulder and the man was hot on her heels. She didn't wanna bring him near Tegan so she changed directions and went towards the back door of the club. Running outside was probably a dumb mistake but Angie couldn't think straight. When she made it out the door she thought she made it, thought she lost him. She leaned against the wall to try and catcher her breath. Before she could stand up straight agin her head was smashed against the wall behind her and the man held her there by her throat.

"Gotcha." He grind wide flashing his yellowed teeth. Angie wish she could fight back but she was to weak to do anything. An image of herself with vampire teeth flashed into her mind. If she was that version of herself she could get out of this. She could stop him from what he's about to try to do. If she was what she dreamed herself to be stopping him wouldn't be the only thing she could do. She could fight the bad guys along side the Avengers like she wish she could. If only she could be what she believed was the best version of herself. As the man started to undo his belt Angie noticed something move behind him. Before she could call out to what ever she seen for help the man was ripped off of her and thrown to the ground.

"That is not the way you treat a lady." The man with the green eyes from earlier was standing over the drunk. He crouched down next to Angie's attacker. A knife was in his hand and he was pointing it in the drunks face. Angie didn't realize he had a knife she hadn't seen it until just now. Where did it come from? "Get out of here before I put this knife in your skull." The drunk crawled away enough to get up then ran off.

"Thank you." Angie was rubbing her neck trying to fight the pain away.

"Here let me" The green eyed man lifted his hand up to Angie's neck and she couldn't help but flinch away.
"It's okay. I won't hurt you." Despite the fact she shouldn't trust him Angie relaxed. He gingerly touched her brusied neck his fingers felt cool like ice. But then all of a sudden her neck got warm. When he pulled his hand away the pain was gone.

"I seen how you imagined stopping him. What kind of creature were you in your vision? That wasn't the kind of vampire I read about in Midgaridan books. Do you truly wish to become something like that? A monster?" As he questioned her he walked around her. Circling her like a cat.

"Seeing my self like that. As a tribrid. I don't see myself as a monster. Ya I could do some pretty monstrous things but I could also do a lot of good. Help people. Help myself. I wouldn't be weak anymore. How did you heal me? How did you get in my head? Who are you?" Angie took a step closer to the man. Angie knew of people that met other people with powers but she herself never met someone with abilitys until now.

"I'm someone who can grant you that power." He lifted his hand palm up in between them. Then in a flash of green light there was an apple in his open hand. "One bite. Think about what you wish to become and take one bite." Angie reached out and took the apple. Without hesitation or a second thought she bit into the apple.

"So now what?" She asked as he took the apple back and he had it dissaper in another flash of green light.

"When you wake up in the morning your world will change and you will learn to become the person you wish to be. " He turned to go.

"Wait. I still never got your name. Will I see you again?" She didn't know why she trusted him or why she believed the apple would truly do what he said. She couldn't stop the feeling that she should run to him and to not let him go. The feeling that she should get to know him, the feeling to stay by his side. Why did she feel like this.

"Nice necklace." The man said with a slight smirk. Then in the same green light as before he was gone.

Angie reached up and touched her necklace. "Loki?"

Loki And The WolfWhere stories live. Discover now