3 years later

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It had been 3 years since Angie changed. Since her entire world changed. She had turned Tegan like she asked her to do. Not to long after Tegan changed her boyfriend Daryl asked Angie to change him to. The three learned together how to survive and thrive as what they are now. Angie's magical power developed quickly. She had full control over her new found powers in a matter of weeks. Tho the three fed on blood now they never kill. Well Angie did once but it was self defense the guy attacked her.

When Angie really understood how strong she became she started to help people. Little things at first but as time went on she got braver and did more heroic acts. Eventually the Avengers caught wind of what Angie was doing and the power she possessed. They sought her out and asked her to join them. They said they could show her how to properly fight. How to harness her power. She laughed at first thinking they couldn't teacher her anything. That she could handle it on her own. But after being around them for awhile she realized they were teaching her an awful lot. Angie Tegan and Daryl all moved into the Avengers compound at one point. Tegan and Daryl stayed on the side lines for the most part while Angie went on missions and became a true hero.

During her time with the Avengers Angie met Thor. The first thing he noticed about her was the necklace she wore. He questioned her about it out right and she explained how she came to own it. When Thor was told of her grandfather he wanted to know everything he had told Angie. He loved to hear how the story's changed and how different they were from what he witnessed himself. Angie never told the Avengers how she got her powers. She never questioned Thor if Loki was alive. She wanted to know if the man that helped her that night truly was Loki or not but she couldn't bring herself to tell thor about it. If Loki was alive and Thor didn't know Angie would have given him up. Ruined his secret. She couldn't do that to him. Not after he did so much for her.

She had hoped he would show up. Despite this being what she always wanted she still felt out of place. And for some reason she felt if he was here she wouldn't feel like that anymore. She doesn't even know him. She knows who he is because of her books and what Thor has told her but she doesn't truly know him like a friend would. So why does she feel like he's the missing piece?

Despite Angie being on the team for a while now they had yet to make her official, that was going to change tonight. Tony was going to throw one of his crazy party's to make Angie's team membership official. Angie and her two friend however were not excited for this party. They were good friends for many reasons and hating crowds and people was something they all had in common. As soon as Daryl heard about the party he told Tegan he was going to head out on a hunting tip for a few days. She didn't fight him on it but she really wanted him to stay. She knew Angie would be busy at the party since it was for her after all so withought Daryl there she would have to deal with it all alone.

Angie was even more stressed out then Tegan she didn't want to be the center of attention. She didn't understand why they just couldn't do a normal press conference and be done with it. Why a party? Why so many people? And Tony was making her get all dolled up for it. He bought her an entire outfit for the event. The only thing Angie had a say in was the color of the dress.

When it finally came time to get ready Angie was pacing in her room. She had just asked the five stylist Tony sent to go. She could get ready herself. Her magic would be a big help with that. She had but on the floor length deep green dress and the gold heels that went with it. The heels were a bit of a pain to walk in. They where higher then anything Angie wore before and it was taking some time to get used to it. She skipped the earings since the holes in her ears were to big for normal studs and she wanted to keep her necklace on so she skipped that to. She put on the rings and bracelet then noticed there was one thing left. A small gold tiara with a few green gems. 'Really Tony? I'm not a God damn princess.' After she was done she snapped her fingers and her hair transformed into beautiful water fall curls with the tiara sitting perfectly on top. She snapped agin and her makeup was complete.

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