Now what?

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Angie wasn't dating either Loki or Bucky but the more she thought about it the more she felt like she was cheating on one with the other. She hated this. Why does this have to be so complicated? She was pacing back and forth. She finally walked to her night stand and grabbed her phone.

'T, can you come to my room.' Angie texted Tegan.

'Kinda in the middle of getting eaten out over here.' Tegan replied a few minutes later.

'Ew. Hi Daryl welcome home. Well when your done come over please.'

'Let me guess Bucky came home and now your all confused and stressing the fuck out.'

'Fuck you.'

'I take that as a yes. Well let me cum then we'll be over. '

'Ew Tegan just ew.'

Angie set her phone down and continued to pace waiting for her friends to show up. By the time Tegan and Daryl made it to Angie's room Angie was curled up in a ball in the middle of her bed crying. Tegan and Daryl both climbed in next to her and warped there arms around her.

"Cuddle party!" Tegan exclaimed.

"I love you guys." Angie said through her tears.

"We love you to." Daryl said while pushing a stuffed animal out of his face.

"Dare bear don't push the stuffies away they are just trying to cuddle too." Tegan said laughing. Daryl flipped her off. Angie grabbed the german Shepherd plushy that Daryl had pushed away and handed it to him.

"He's yours now. You gotta name him." Angie said now no longer crying.

"Dog." Daryl said looking at the gift.

"Yes babe thats a dog." Tegan stated.

"That's his name. Dog." Daryl said with a smirk.

"Fucking dork." Tegan and Angie said in unison. That sent the three of them into a laughing fit.

"So what's going on? Talk to us." Tegan said after they all calmed down.

"Bucky's home. He figured out I'm fucking Loki. He got mad. Kinda said he loves me. I'm technically not dating either of them but the more I think the more I feel like I'm cheating on them both. I don't want to hurt Bucky. But I want to see where this shit with Loki goes. If it goes anywhere. But should I? Everyone hates him. I don't want people hating me because of it. And I don't want to lose mine and Bucky's friend ship. He's my first best friend since you two. Tony coming in a close second after Bucky. What the fuck do I do?" Angie was out of breath by time she finished.

"First of all breath." Tegan said.

"Second of all he said he loved you?" Daryl questioned.

"I thought you guys made it clear to one another that it was friendship only kinda love." Tegan said tilting her had to the side.

"Ya well this is Bucky were talking about here." Angie sighed.

"Men are dumb asses." Daryl chucked.

"Your a guy to dumb ass." Tegan pointed at him.

"Exactly." Daryl smirked. Angie and Tegan rolled their eyes at him.

"What do I doooooo?" Angie groaned.

"Just play it by ear. Go with the flow see what happens." Tegan said.

"If I went with the flow I would be fucking Bucky right here right now in this bed." Angie sighed.

"Ew" Tegan and Daryl said together.

"I fucking hate this." Angie yelled throwing a stuffed animal a crossed the room.

"That was Dogs friend you hurt his feelings." Daryl said trying to lighten the mood.

"Sorry Dog." Angie smiled a bit.

"Why don't we just forget this for now and go upstairs. Bucky's home which means he's probably got Cap drinking. With Natasha Cap and Bucky here the six of us normally have some fun drunk times. Bucky shit aside. I think Clint is here too. Bet we can try to get a game of beer pong and shit going." Tegan said nudging Angie with her elbow.

"I dont know T." Ang says.

"Oh come on. It will be funnn." Tegan basically sings.

"You know when we all get together it's a fun time." Daryl states.

"Ugh fine let's go." Angie hop's off the bed and walks to her closet to find something better to wear. Tegan basically squeals with excitement.

After getting change Angie and her small pack make their way upstairs. Like they expected Natasha Steve and Bucky were drinking. The girls joined them while Daryl went to find Clint.

"So beer pong anyone?" Tegan said excitedly.

"Oh no. We are only having a few beers to welcome Bucky home." Steven said.

"Steve when is it ever only a few beers to welcome Bucky home? You always say that and we always manage to get you hammered." Natasha said patting Steve on the shoulder.

"Shes not wrong." Bucky said snickering.

"Fine set it up Tegan." Steve sighs.

Just as Tegan finished setting up the beer pong table Daryl and Clint joined the group. The seven of them took turns playing beer pong and ended up playing several other drinking games. And just like they said they would they got Steve plastered. They all were pretty drunk actually. Bucky was avoiding Angie most of the night but after his third game of beer pong he made his way over to her. She was sitting down on the couch alone sipping her blood and beer mixture.

"Hey doll." Bucky said placing his arm around her.

"Hi Bucky." Angie hiccuped.

"D-did you miss me at all?" Bucky asked.

"Of course I fucking did Bucky. Your like totally one of my best fucking friends." Angie thought she should probaly cool it on the drinks now.

"Cool." Bucky said

They sat there for a bit not saying much. Angie looked up at Bucky and that's all it took. His lips where on hers in an instant. And that's the exact moment Loki walked in the room.

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