The ex

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Angie woke up in her own bed the next morning. Which she found odd considering she fell asleep in Loki's bed. As she sat up in bed and contemplated how she got there she heard a knock at her door. It sounded as if metal was hitting wood.

'Is he home already? I thought he would be gone for another few months.' Angie thought to herself as she jumped up and put some clothes on.

She made her way to the door and opened it. Before she said anything Bucky tackled her into a bear hug. The force of the hug sent them both back falling on to the bed. They laid there giggling in each other's embrace. Angie snuggled her face in the crook of his neck inhaling his sent. Gods how she missed him.

"I thought you weren't going to be back for a while longer?" Angie questioned Bucky.

"Mission went easier then expected. Trying to get rid of me agin already?" Bucky chuckled at her.

"Oh shut up Buck." She said bushing his hair out of his face.

They stayed curled up together on her bed for most of the day. They talked some but mostly just layed there enjoying each other's presence. Bucky had been gone for the past 4 months.

Bucky had eyes for Angie the first day she arrived at the compound. They grew close as friends her first month there then Bucky made a move. At first Angie said it was a friends with benefits kind of deal only. She didn't want the drama and stress of a relationship. But that didn't last long untill Bucky officially asked her out. Things were great for awhile but Angie still wasn't ready for a relationship and with Bucky gone more then he was home they went back to just being friends, with occasional benefits on the side. There was no hard feelings with the break up they both agreed it was for the best but promised each other to stay best friends. Even before they first started screwing around they made the promise that no matter what happen they would always be friends.

Angie woke up to Bucky's phone ringing. They must have dozzed off at some point. She looked over to the ringing and seen his phone next to the clock. It was past 6 at night. She really didn't think it was that late. Everyone was probably wondering where she was.

"Buck wake up." She said poking his cheek. He just groaned and nipped at her finger.

"Buckyyyy your phone." Angie wined.

"Awnser it." He mumbled snuggling closer to her.

"I can't you oaf. you're on top of me I can't reach it like this." She giggled. He stretched his metal arm out grabbing his phone and handing to her.

"Seriously. You can't awnser it." She gave him side eye but his eyes were still shut.

"Your the one who cares that it's ringing."

"Ugh fine. Hello? Oh hi Nat it's Angie. Ya he's down here. Seriously you didn't know?" Angie slapped Bucky in the back of the head.

"Ow the hell was that for." He grumbled.

"For coming straight down here without saying hi to anyone else. Nat and Cap have been waiting around for you all day." Angie said scolding him. "We'll be up in a few Nat." Angie said into the phone.

"No we won't. I'm not moving, I'm comfy." Bucky's grip on Angie tightened. He could barley make out Natasha yelling at him through the phone.

"I'll get him up stairs don't worry Nat." Angie hung up the phone after saying good bye.

"I don't wanna." Bucky wined.

"Buck come on."


"You got other friends that would like to see you."

"But I'm comfy."



"Ugh your annoying."

"But you love me anyways." Bucky said with a smug grin on his face.

Angie rolled her eyes at him. She started tickling him thinking he would get up because of it. But instead she started a war. Bucky eventually got her hands pined above her head so she couldn't tickle him anymore. With in a few seconds of being like that Bucky leaned in and kissed her on the lips. It was a normal thing for them so Angie didn't think much of it at first.

The kissing continued innocently for a bit then Bucky's hand stared to move down Angie's body. Eventually he got to the bottom of her shirt and started to pull it up. At that moment flashes of what she and Loki did last night flashed through her head. But she and Loki weren't together so this was fine right? They never talked about what was going on with them let alone put a label on it. Ya this is fine she thought.

She went with the flow. Continued with Bucky like normal. He got her shirt off and started to kiss down her neck. When he reached her breast she tensed. This didn't feel right. Not that it didn't feel good because fuck it felt amazing. But it didn't feel appropriate. She felt like she was cheating on Loki. She started to push on Bucky's shoulder.

"Bucky we shouldn't. Nat and Steve are waiting up stairs." Angie said a little flustered.

"They can wait a little longer. I missed you." Bucky said leaning into kiss her but she moved her head away.

"Bucky I can't." That caused him to stop and sit up.

"Did I do something wrong?" Bucky looked a bit hurt.

"Gods buck no. You didn't do anything. It's just completed." Angie said placing her hand on Bucky's arm. That's when he noticed the new bracelet on her wrist. And without her shirt on he could see the hickeys that littered her body.

"Holy shit your fucking Loki." His eyes grew wide at the realization.

"Buck." Before she could say anything more he jumped off the bed.

"Holy fuck Ang. When Steve called and told me he was back I knew something was going to happen. I should have gotten back sooner." Bucky was livid.

"Bucky it's just sex. It's okay." She said walking over to him.

"Okay? He's a fucking monster Angela.  We talked about this before. I told you if he some how wasn't dead, if he ever came back to be careful."

"Bucky I am being careful. And he's not a monster."

"He attacked New York."

"For fucks sake he was being mind controlled. You of all people should get that. Out of everyone you shouldn't be judging him like this. You went through similar shit you should understand."

"What I went through and did is not the same."

"Bucky please."

"How can I sit back and watch someone I love be with him of all people."

Angie's breath caught in her throat. He never said that to her. At least not like that. Love wasn't a word they used unless in a friends only manner.

"Fuck." Bucky said realizing what exactly came out of his mouth.

"So is this more about what Loki did or just the fact he's not you?" Angie asked barely above a whisper.

"Ang." Bucky reached out towards her.

"Don't Bucky." Angie said taking a step back and putting her arm out to stop him.

"Don't push me away. Please. Not agin." Bucky's eyes we're filled with pain.

At one point in time Angie fell into one of her depression funks and pushed everyone away. Tegan and Daryl we're used to hit knowing how Angie got and knew it wasn't anything against them. She just needed time and space. But her new found friends like Bucky didn't really get it. When it happen Bucky was devastated.

"I'm not Buck. I just. I just need some space. I need to think." She said sitting on the bed.

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay Bucky. Why don't you go see Nat and the others? I'll be up in a bit."

"Okay." And with that Bucky left the room.

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